how does my plnat look?


Well-Known Member
If that is your first.. Congrats on getting to that point. You always have this excited feeling when the plant starts, happens to me every time. Just make sure at that stage you have enough light and that the light is the right distance from you plant. They will stretch on you if the light is to weak or far away.


Well-Known Member
atm im using 60w of flourescent tube and temp is about 75-75F humidity i wont know i havnet got my hc yet but im also getting new tubes as well


Well-Known Member
what about the leafs tho the two rounded leafs are poitning up is there a r4eason for this, are they trying to reach the light? or what


Well-Known Member
The round leaves will fold down and usually fall off.... in time. That little guy is small he is just trying make it. I would add a few 23w CFL's at 6500k. The bulbs would cost just a couple bucks per.


Well-Known Member
ah rite cool, my other plant is a day younger than this one but the round leafs are poitning down is there a reason for this?


Well-Known Member
no my fan broke, but im trying to get a new 1 ive orderd it but it hasnt came yet, i know a fan is needed but will my plants health greately reduce with out a fan at this stage?


Well-Known Member
tie it up to a stake or whatever you want till the fan gets there. being stretched a bit as they are the stem could give out and snap when the canopy gets a bit heavier,


Well-Known Member
ah, ive just moved the plants 1inch from the light as well , do you know what the cause of the plats leafs pointing down would be?


Well-Known Member
how badly is it happening? a pic of the other seedling your talking about would help to say for sure but i really doubt its anything to worry over.