how does one cross breed 2 different strains?

I wanna know how you do that!?! In my mind I think you would have 1 male strain and have it polonate* 1 female separate strain. Is this true? My plan is to get a female master kush strain and get it polonated with a big bud strain. when out comes the master big kush bud seeds. will this happen?


Well-Known Member
boy of 1 and girl of one put in a room and let mother nature take its course, yeah your right it's that simple

that does not however create a new strain, that is much more complicated

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
crossing strains is a long drawn out process to do properly. the fact that you're having to ask how to do it, would probably keep someone in the know from answering you. it takes time, patience, and a lot of room and knowledge. just buy some beans... subcool might have some threads on the subject, but you better pack a lunch. it'll be a long read....