how does she look?


Active Member
TLC? and botanicare pure blend grow and liquid karma 2ml of grow and 1ml of LK in 2 liters of water is that not enough didnt want to burn them again?


Well-Known Member
(TLC; Tender Loving Care.) Perlite/verminulite, you do know this has no nutrients in? So she's totally relying on what nutes you give her, and looking a little hungry... Are hand feeding/watering?


Active Member
but only feed couple ml cause its not ina big pot yet i think that was from ph like two days ago it was 7.5 but i dropped it yesterday and started feeding cause they were getting yellow.


Active Member
(TLC; Tender Loving Care.) Perlite/verminulite, you do know this has no nutrients in? So she's totally relying on what nutes you give her, and looking a little hungry... Are hand feeding/watering?
oh ha alright and yea but i fed for first time like at 2 and a half weeks and it burnt them so stoped feeding it but just started again and yea and should i feed once a day or every other day?


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know how she is looking for being 3 weeks old besides the burn spots and yellowing
just added nutes yeasterday
and fixed the ph because i seen a couple three week old plants and they look alot bigger but ima first timmer so im not sure and the medium is perlite and vermiculite.
its about time, they need a good feed. Very deficient as there is NO nutes in rw per/verm bro. Next time start them in nice soil to avoid this. You cant grow in this medium and leave to grow it wont happen, its either hydro or it isnt.


Active Member
yea found that out but now i know so next time ima feed earlier about when should i start feeding a new plant i got another one going so should i feed about 2 weeks or what cause this one is 3 weeks same medium?