Well-Known Member
i was just wondering if anyone knew how very good weed turns to shwagg i'm not to clear on that i want to know so i can try and avoid that area of growing
yeah then i have enough light cuz it's not stemy it's nice and bushy and i agree compact buds are the best i have shwagg that's why i asked this question and i thought it'd be a good question glad i did and it's also funny that you said you like compact buds cuz it was compact and before when i can't get the good stuff and get shwagg it's not compact and i can't get high but when it's compact i get a lil higher but of course the kind buds are very kind =]]]]] and i'll try not to get antsy i'll wait til the babies ready to chopI made up my own little grading scale I use with friends that I won't go into so I won't bore everyone, but there are things I personally look for to judge the quality of the sweet leaf. I welcome other's to add and correct me because there are many others with more experience than me. Some aspects of quality may be genetics and I'll exclude those from the list but some come from method and care. Seeds: Allowing a male to pollinate your females will reduce potency because the plant will focus it's energy on producing seed. Stemy: Probably the most likely cause is insufficient light, so the plant stretches out to find more. Density: I love tight compact buds. Some people insist you need to flower with a 1000w HPS to get the best buds.
Try not to harvest early, you may get antsy when harvest time looms but cutting down early is in my experience is a huge potency killer.