how does the rep system work?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to intrude, but wtf are you talking about? this is a mild mannered discussion about rep... Luda, you are a good guy from what i've seen, but i really just dont get you sometimes. :peace:
Nothing to get,Luda likes to be a ass if does not agree with you.


Well-Known Member
like i said i did appologize and deleated the post... all i can do.. but fyi smokeskin did not say anything offensive in my thread
lol, I know that, I was just filling you in. Back to the subject if you have 1o0 rep points and give somebody rep they will receive 1 point. For every 100 points you have you will give 1 point. Posts have nothing to do with it, unless things have changed in the last few weeks.;-)


Well-Known Member
lol, I know that, I was just filling you in. Back to the subject if you have 1o0 rep points and give somebody rep they will receive 1 point. For every 100 points you have you will give 1 point. Posts have nothing to do with it, unless things have changed in the last few weeks.;-)

Yep... that's how it works....


Active Member
Is this luda smokinskins thing still going on? lol How did my quote get dragged into this lol.
Can't we all just get along? lol

jn811 I believe after you get 100rep pts then your + reps really start counting.

200pts even more so.

I think before you get 100pts you + reps still count but for fractions of pts.

I think... Anyways everyone just smoke and have a good evening :)


Well-Known Member
Eh, little lull right now (has nothing to do with the release of Modern Warfare 2 :) ) but everything's great over here bro. Keeping yourself busy I assume?


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, only 4 more weeks then taking 3 weeks off for crimbo... Lapland for a few days, reindeer and Santa claus, my little boy will love it!


New Member
i dont think you are getting any repp due to trolling the site.
and this attacking people wont get you much in the way of friends or repp.
just remember people know who is who on here and the quicker you start to behave and open up your eyes to what you are doing then you might get some repp and maybe some respect.
but i think your name is already soiled due to your antics and rash behaviour.

you are such a cry baby. that kid repped me for that. mind your own biz and you wont get your feelings hurt


New Member
I'm sorry to intrude, but wtf are you talking about? this is a mild mannered discussion about rep... Luda, you are a good guy from what i've seen, but i really just dont get you sometimes. :peace:
well its quite easy to work out.
i replied to smokinskins with what i said about his trolling antics and if you open your eyes and look into his profile and posts he has been following me for a good few days now everywhere i go pulling my chain with abuse towards me and many others on this site.

1. click on the users name.
2. view all their posts look at all the ones with my name on them.
3. have a quick look.
4. bingo.



New Member
my rash behavior, dude i have never done anything rash wtf are you talking about.... please dont ever respond to me again....
where did i say you did anything or called you anything ?????.
because i did not !!!!!!!!!!


New Member
when Luda made his comment who did he quote??? Doh!!!!! Smokinskins!
Posts like this are what he's talking about:

Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 942

Originally Posted by shylas
Ok listen now your being rude. I'm not saying I think the moon doesn't make it dark, I'm saying I'm sure theres alot of people that think that that would prob argue it to the death. kinda like your doing.You don't agree? You don't have to respond. calling people stupid is not a good way to make them see your point.

if you havent seen the last 10 fifty page threads of luda getting chewed out for being just, So stupid then i guess you dont understand why im being short with luda supporters. 6-2 is the truth and i really hope nobody is going to argue that night time is not the dark period on earth? luda is a troll who just forces his opinion which are comical sometimes.

thank you "woo".
i am glad somebody can read.


New Member
i dont think you are getting any repp due to trolling the site.
and this attacking people wont get you much in the way of friends or repp.
just remember people know who is who on here and the quicker you start to behave and open up your eyes to what you are doing then you might get some repp and maybe some respect.
but i think your name is already soiled due to your antics and rash behaviour.

you are such a cry baby. that kid repped me for that. mind your own biz and you wont get your feelings hurt
i think you are the one that got your feelings hurt because i proved you wrong time after time then you started trolling me everywhere i went like a jealous kid without a dummy.

view your posts over the last few days and see what a fool you have been and i would urge others with any doubt to view them as well.
click on your name and view your posts.


Well-Known Member
just cause you quote someone doesnt mean i should know who your taking to... next time say, smokeskin, or better yet dont chase someone into my thread to tell them off


New Member
just cause you quote someone doesnt mean i should know who your taking to... next time say, smokeskin, or better yet dont chase someone into my thread to tell them off
it clearly says who i quoted.
and how did i chase someone in to your thread to tell them off ????????.
are you reading things properly.


New Member
you just going to try and annoy me ??????????
because you are wasting your time.
i wont lower my self to your childish standards and well done on wrecking another thread.
good job.
keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
let me explain better... You and smokeskin have been arguing in my thread that I started. My title does not say "luda and smokeskins argument thread," does it? So why don't one of you make "luda and smokeskins argument thread," and then you can continue to talk shit back and fourth all you'd like until one of you realizes what my signature say. Btw I'm done with this thread. Peace.