How does this diagram look???


Active Member
I dont want to go buying everything if Im totally wrong so thought Id let you guys decide ha.....

Also what kind of pumps will I be needing? Thanks


Well-Known Member
not sure about the hydro set up , but you may want to move your fans to the middle of the rooms instead of at the sides.
also i think the carbon filer should be placed at the end of the exhaust, not as an intake.
not 100% sure tho

looks pretty good tho, bascailly what im doin .. just usin soil


Well-Known Member
why a drip system for veg and ebb and flow for flowering?
looks pretty good, the cfls are alot higher than theyl need to be. that space is alot taller than itll need to be, might want to try and proportion room better? for instance make the veg box half the size but put a shelf in it so you can still have the same amount of pants and a bigger flowering spot.
its missing a few things, and it looks like it'll cost at least $400 to start, but if money isn't a big concern, than looks good.
are you plaining on making your hydro system? sounds like it since you asked for advise on the pumps.
you can use a pump ment for a fish tank, they are called power heads ( if I rememeber correctly) when used in fishtanks, they are used with undergravel filters.
or you can buy a pump from your hydro store, or online, theyre the same pumps basicaly just intended for different things. it should only be like 20 bucks, but you will need to buy a pump that has the corect GPh to go along with your systems


Active Member
Cheers dudes!

MrGreen used drip in his veg and ebb flow in his flowerin room, thought Id do the same seen as its quite a good video tut!

The lights will be height adjustable!

In examples I have seen when fitting carbon filters the are placed within the grow room....

The thing with the pump is I dont know what size to get! What kind of GPH should I be looking at?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I dont know what size pump you should get man, google probably does though :)
he did do that... I didnt really get why, I forgot all about him.
carbon filters can be attached to the intake or the exhaust part of you fan's ducting, ( I dont meen your intake fan :P) or you can attach it to both sides. and here is a fancy CGI HI-DEF 3-D image to help illustrate what I am saying.



Well-Known Member
it looks pretty good to me. there are a lot of details you left out of your post, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. you can post any questions you have and we'll do our best to answer. remember, do plenty of reading. there is an amazing amount of information available online.


Active Member
Love the diagram dude! So basically the filtter works where ever you put it!

Will 320 Liter an hour be ok for the pump, that works out at about 85 GPH? The trays should have a volume of about 5 gallon if that plays a role in what type of pump I should get.

Thanks lorenzo08, this forum as been a huge help!!!


stays relevant.
LOL is your name a reference from the movie "Hackers" ???

Acid Burn & Crash Override. LOL.