How does this look? 28 days of flowering. And a question.


Well-Known Member
Gooooo Pats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigjoint:
:finger: the Jags :mrgreen:

I know it's of topic, but hell, it's the biggest game ever!


Active Member
Why dont u just keep a mother plant in permanent veg stage and just clip 10 clones off it every month or so... then youre guaranteed 100% females and dont have to fuck around with seeds any more.... keep in mind that a clone from a 4 month old mother plant still has the genes of a 4 month old plant and you can induce it into flowering almost as soon (if you wanted to) as it roots and shows a few inches of growth... get like 10 little plants flowering at once if u want... give some clones away... sell em or whatever... but keeping a mother plant is the only way to roll. :)


Well-Known Member
I am start now with skunkberry couple days ago. peak seeds is very cheap .I will post photo ...give me couple weeks.