how does this look for two weeks?

Yeah I was sure it was bugs so they are in a new location.hopefully I'm good now
Your plant has them on it still, That long white mark is where it has burrowed itself into the leaf, Google what i told you to, read up on it before deciding what to do about it, I have a big part in my book about it but i really cant be arsed to type it all out. Just google it.

Start by removing that leaf.
I didnt say it was, I said it looks like it. But really, I dont know why I said that because now that I looked back at the pics, it really doesnt look like nute burns. All im saying is that its not thrips because the plant would be beat up. And for somebody to call me a moron, simple mistake. Some people just have to act like they are the pot God. I guess he knows everything about everything. Sounds like a dumb ass kid to me.

Ye i act like the god of pot. Are you serious ? I come on here to HELP ppl out. Its not my fault if you cannot look at a picture and tell whats wrong with it. Do you know what thats called ? Its called research. I waste my own time giving ppl help so shut the fck up kid. If you dont like it then its simple, Keep your mouth shut when you have no clue what your talking about and then ppl wont call you a moron.

And btw that "simple mistake" you made is to do with some ones plant.
Your plant has them on it still, That long white mark is where it has burrowed itself into the leaf, Google what i told you to, read up on it before deciding what to do about it, I have a big part in my book about it but i really cant be arsed to type it all out. Just google it.

Start by removing that leaf.[/QUOTe
yeah there are white mark on both so two leaves come off today.I have seven dust for bugs.Can I put a little on the leaves before i read it.Just have some hereI will google that for sure,need to it seems
Ye i act like the god of pot. Are you serious ? I come on here to HELP ppl out. Its not my fault if you cannot look at a picture and tell whats wrong with it. Do you know what thats called ? Its called research. I waste my own time giving ppl help so shut the fck up kid. If you dont like it then its simple, Keep your mouth shut when you have no clue what your talking about and then ppl wont call you a moron.
I hear you buddy. Talk shit on the internet. Im not gonna stupe that low. Like I said, Dumb Ass Kid!
Your plant has them on it still, That long white mark is where it has burrowed itself into the leaf, Google what i told you to, read up on it before deciding what to do about it, I have a big part in my book about it but i really cant be arsed to type it all out. Just google it.

Start by removing that leaf.[/QUOTe
yeah there are white mark on both so two leaves come off today.I have seven dust for bugs.Can I put a little on the leaves before i read it.Just have some hereI will google that for sure,need to it seems

I would just google it mate, It will tell you how to get rid of it etc. I would write it out mate but its long. leaf miner larvae <-- Google it
And if you "waste your time" why the fck are you even on here if your going to bitch about it?

Im proving a point, Some ppl actually do appreciate the info. Some others like you just dont like to be put back in your place. Take it to a PM if you have a problem with the way i am. If not take yourself out of this lads thread. Iv proved my point quite well thanks, If you wish to continue it PM me. Dont start flaming on some1 elses thread.
I hear you buddy. Talk shit on the internet. Im not gonna stupe that low. Like I said, Dumb Ass Kid!

Its harsh in ways what i said, But then again when ppl have hollow heads its the only way. Like i said if you have a problem PM me. If not go away and do some research.
yeah pretty clear on what to do now.Take some tape to remove eggs,but what is a good botanical pesticide?
yeah pretty clear on what to do now.Take some tape to remove eggs,but what is a good botanical pesticide?
Iv never actually had to use any pesticide's so i really wouldnt know mate. Your have to wait til some1 who knows whats good to use replies. Unlike some people i dont comment on stuff i dont know about.

Do you think it was what i said ?
I just read neem oil is good.
You have something eating your plant, That long white mark on the leaf isnt nute burn, (who ever said it was is a moron) That looks like some sort of larvae. Nute burn lol how clueless are some ppl.

It looks like leaf miner larvae. Google it.

Yeah, you started the bullshit dumbass. Your a joke
I didnt give any false info you faggot. Do you really have to start shit with people on the internet to feel good about yourself? Pot god
I didnt give any false info you faggot. Do you really have to start shit with people on the internet to feel good about yourself? Pot god

LOL why would you PM me and say lets sqaush it, Then come back on here and start again ? You either are 1. a complete stoner or 2. a complete and utter IDIOT. You told him it was nute burn ? Yet you didnt give him false info ? Am i missing something here or are you really that dumb ?

After talking to you for 10 mins i would say number 2 fits you perfectly. Get a grip of yourself. Stop spamming this lads thread.
LOL why would you PM me and say lets sqaush it, Then come back on here and start again ? You either are 1. a complete stoner or 2. a complete and utter IDIOT. You told him it was nute burn ? Yet you didnt give him false info ? Am i missing something here or are you really that dumb ?

After talking to you for 10 mins i would say number 2 fits you perfectly. Get a grip of yourself. Stop spamming this lads thread.

Dude, you must be the fucking idiot because your doing exactly what you say im doing. And for the last time, I did not say that it IS nute burn. I said it looks like it is but I know its not because he didnt use nutes. Damn, your fucking retarded.
lol enough of that shit.But I tested the pump working fine.Only thing now is I made a hole on each side,one high one low.Now,I have a leak,so there goes the first day in the setup.Gonna have to make new res.
Dude, you must be the fucking idiot because your doing exactly what you say im doing. And for the last time, I did not say that it IS nute burn. I said it looks like it is but I know its not because he didnt use nutes. Damn, your fucking retarded.

You said and i quote again " it looks like nute burn "

Just leave it there now bcuz you have proven over and over again your stupid by your replies.