How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I have sprouts on all three kinds of tomatoes {Pruden's Purple, Brandywine & Yellow Pear}, both kinds of broccoli but none of the peppers. Looks like a possible frost next week. Will cover the young plants. Not sure what I will do with my Spring crop.
Yes i was all set to move everything outside on saturday but the weather person said we are getting snow on Sunday. Grrrrrrrr it was 77 today. WTF
An old saying here is.....
" Ne'r cast a clout till May is out "
In other words don't take your long John's or great coat off till then! Lol
There's bound to be a frost or two here till April.
Just had a magpie in the front garden picking up nesting material.
I'm gonna say Spring has sprung.
An old saying here is.....
" Ne'r cast a clout till May is out "
In other words don't take your long John's or great coat off till then! Lol
There's bound to be a frost or two here till April.
Just had a magpie in the front garden picking up nesting material.
I'm gonna say Spring has sprung.
My Great-great uncle always sheared his sheep and got a haircut and shave in May. I kind of keep up the family tradition. I shave off my winter beard on the Spring Equinox.
We had three nights of cold here. 36, 29 and 38F. I put the veggies in my underground anti frost facility. I had to move the roof today.

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Whats that in £s? Lol
Minus 1.6 Celsius!
In the bunker I see.
It's been 8 - 11c here for a few days but been pishing it down.
Daffodils are blooming strong , crocuses are past their best and the tulips are showing their leaves .
Power hosed the patio , getting it ready for summer.
Cut the front lawn and put moss and weed killer grass ferts down.
Foreground - daffodils crocus anemones
A blueberry bush just budding
Background - a fuschia budding and dwarf rootstock apple tree.
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The wife just told me i have reached my indoor garden limit (haha) after 15 years she still don't get that i only listen to her half the time, and then disregard half of what she say's.
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I tore my indoor light setup for veggie seedlings apart this off season{for space}. So far I have been sprouting veggies outside. I have pepper sprouts now, so some of everything is up.
I tore my indoor light setup for veggie seedlings apart this off season{for space}. So far I have been sprouting veggies outside. I have pepper sprouts now, so some of everything is up.
Most of what you see there grew from the sunlight shinning thru my glass doors. It's been to cold to set them out, but it seems like we have a week or two of 60 and above temp's coming this week, cant wait to give them full sun.
Yes i love how you did that, showed it to my wife and now she wants me to start digging holes in the backyard.
When I was a little kid, an old septic tank cover got busted by a tractor. The house had been gone for years, so my Mamma decided it was a good place to winter her plants. We would cover it with plywood when it was cold, and open it up on nice days. I got to thinking I could do the same thing, just with a couple of old shower doors I had. Works great, but you have to leave big gaps for the heat to get out on sunny days.