How Does Your Garden Grow??????

The tomatoes and peppers are growing crazy under the T5's. The Armenian cucumber starts are doing really good as well. I have a potato I got from a friend. Supposed to be an heirloom Burbank Russet from Idaho. I'm going to dig out a spot on the side of my strawberries and grow it out. It's legit. And Russets are my favorite potato. I like all those fancy ones but my favorite is a Russet. Baked, fried, mashed, etc... You can't go wrong.




Russet Burbank' Potato
@xtsho are you going to cut the potato into pieces or just plant the whole thing? Everything is looking good. :clap:

Already there. Cut up and ready to go. Planting tomorrow. Digging a 3 x 3 x 3 space to grow. Gotta get another bale of peat and some manure to amend the soil also. Soil is really good once I get the rocks out of it. An addition of some more organic matter is good. I'll probably also buy a half bale of hay to work into the soil. Not just for the potatoes but other areas as well. I've been working on it and my soil in my garden is getting really good. This year is going to be a good one for growing.

Very nice.

Your post inspired me to do some potatoes this year. I'm a bit late to start, but what else is new? :bigjoint:

I grew some sprouted fridge potatoes last year, just to see if it was possible in coco and it worked, so I'm looking forward to a serious go at it.

I tried doing a potato tower several years ago. Maybe you've seen the idea, it's basically a kiddie pool with a wire mesh cage built inside the circumference (I went about 4' high) with straw lining it and then filled with planting mix, peat and extra perlite. I put a lot of work into it, and didn't get a single potato sprout...they just rotted away. I was so bummed out, I kind of didn't want to try potatoes again. :cry:
No pictures, but I have sprouts on most everything. Didn't go row by row, just looking as I was watering the Indian Broad beans. Armenian cukes in the trenches, and corn, pepper and now tomatoes in kiddie pools are liking the soaker hoses. It's getting dry already. I'm running the sprinkilers on the sprouts every other day. Need to get them in cups or the ground soon.
I decided to plant a few orange trees at the graveyard. If the timing is right you will be able to eat fresh fruit as you lay someone to rest. I got the holes dug, but didn't have enough mushroom compost, so I just sank the pots flush with the ground for now. Will plant later.