How Does Your Garden Grow??????

We got a good steady rain last night. There was some thunder about 2130, so I covered the plants in the underground bunker. Also under glass, the two 6 packs of pepper plants Sister dropped off yesterday. One is a Spanish name that I don't have in front of me at the moment, and the other is Anaheim Chili. Will put them in pots the next good transplanting day. Used a clear plastic tub to cover as many of the tomato and pepper sprouts as possible. This morning I uncovered everything.
grew mine from seed. They are 'Delicious' tomatoes and a hair over 3 weeks old. They go in a container lit with two 23 Watt CFL's at night. I only have room for the strongest seven and the rest are going to friends. Should be in the ground next week once the weather clears up some.
grew mine from seed. They are 'Delicious' tomatoes and a hair over 3 weeks old. They go in a container lit with two 23 Watt CFL's at night. I only have room for the strongest seven and the rest are going to friends. Should be in the ground next week once the weather clears up some.
I bought two Cherokee Purple in the bigger cups, then a 6 pack of the Heirloom Homestead. I got 11 plants out of the 6 pack. My seedlings are Pruden's Purple, Yellow Pear and Brandywine. Also have some Jalapeno Early and Mini Sweet Pepper sprouts. Will be giving quite a few of them away.
I've been lax posting onhere. Sorry. Too many days on the trail, not enough in the garden.

This morning I replanted my Crimson Sweet melons. The first round came up good, but the dry weather toasted their ass. {I was on the trail, and didn't water} Soon I will side dress the few that are alive.

The Spaghetti squash are looking good. I side dress them last week. I mixed a cup each of 13-13-13. 10-10-10, 15-0-15 heavy iron, and 5-10-15 with 4 cups of my adult tomato soil mix, and put a cat food can full around each plant, then added a 12 oz coffee cup of the soil mix on top of that. Worked it around with the hoe, then covered it up. Ran the sprinklers, then it rained.

Wow that's a lot of work. I know you will have a great harvest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been really dry. I had to run the sprinklers just to get everything to come up. Then some of the young plants died. I have some pinestraw and leaves raked up, just not close to the garden. Need to clean out my trailer so I can pick them up and put in the garden. Will help with water retention.

I'm hoping to get in from work tomorrow with time to do some more re-planting. I used 4 different sets of Armenian Cucumber seeds, and only a few of them came up. I have one more bunch of seeds that I froze with the pulp. I've thawed out half of them, and will replant that patch.
all my stuff tucked into gh for at least couple more weeksView attachment 3937603
They are looking good. That short growing season must be a bitch. Last year I started some sweet corn inside under lights, and all my southern e-gardening friends thought I was crazy. But there were a couple of folks from up your way, and they said they had to start corn inside or it wouldn't make it in time to market.