How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I have a few tomato sprouts. Pictures at 11. Just joking. My camera is in my pack, which is in the truck. So it will be another day on the pictures.
I have one tray under a burple light so no pics of that and one under a t5 ..... some of the seedlings under the t5 stretched like crazy and I’m to embarrassed to take pics of those lol.
Pepper starts on Saturday and I’m probably going to up pot this this week.
Peppers and tomatoes under a couple of burple lights a friend gave me, of course you can’t see shit in that light but they are doing ok. LED lighting is new to me this year for seeding I think it will be good once I work out the kinks.
The real reason I still go into work one day a week. The coffee grounds. The maintenance man was making two pots a day the last six months. As you can see, it's been a while since I dumped them.

Yesterday was a good transplanting day, thus the need for the coffee ground compost and other amendments for the soil mix I had to do first.


I did three trays of peppers and tomatoes late yesterday afternoon and last night after supper.

This afternoon I reworked the raised bed that the flood had messed with. I pulled the weeds, got the bent screws out and put new ones in their place, added 10 gallons of mushroom compost, tilled it in and I'm calling it ready.

Everything seems to be growing so far. I'll be transplanting soon. But it should be warm enough to keep everything outside in the greenhouse where I have the room for about 8 trays. Nothing fancy but by the end of the summer most of these small seedlings will be full of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. Something came up in every cell except for some of the lettuce but I think some of those seeds were from 2018 or earlier.


Onions from seed I harvested. Walla Walla and Torpedo Reds. I'm pretty sure they can cross pollinate and since they were growing next to each other and are pollinated by bugs I don't really know what they end up being.


These are all flowers from seeds I collected last year including a tray of kale. Trailing geraniums, petunia's, and some zinnia's. I only had a 50% germination rate with the zinnia's.

I have shelling peas coming up. I have them covered for now with some clear plastic. Actually it's just that cheap 1 mm stuff you use to cover the floor when painting but I have a ton of rolls so I just doubled it up. The peas I planted on the side of the house haven't come up yet. I also have some radishes starting to sprout.


Had to take a peek.


This artichoke sure seems to like being planted in the ground. I have a feeling it's going to get huge. It's growing pretty fast. It's a little ugly right now after a bunch of leaves got smashed down a month ago under the snow. I'm going to mix in some fertilizer I mixed up and add a layer of compost around it today. If I get half a dozen Artichokes I'll be happy.


I need to find a place for this one but I ran out of room a long time ago.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow are the best above ground days this moon cycle. I planted all the same trays of tomato and peppers from last month, since I burnt most of those up by leaving them in the sun too long on their first day outside. (the Mini Sweet, Hatch and Cayenne were lucky in that they were not big enough to go out, so they are all still cranking along inside. I need to get them outside soon though. We've had some frost on car roofs this week, but not on the ground)


Also planted a few Homestead, Beefsteak, Heirloom Rainbow Mix, Russian Black Kim and Cherry tomato seeds in cups. I want to plant corn and beans in the ground, and melons too. Haven't got any place ready for the melons, so I might plant them in cups for now. (I do have to watch basketball all day, so that makes finding the time harder)
I’m about to up pot some cucumbers. View attachment 4859117

My cucumbers always do better when I wait until June and direct sow in the ground. If I do starts and plant outside at the same time as seeds the seeds always pass up the cucumber starts. But I prefer direct sowing when I can as I don't have the room and lighting for a dozen trays of plants inside. I'm pushing it to the limits right now with 6 trays of vegetable and flower starts. It's still too cold to put them out in the greenhouse. I have a couple of those screw in ceramic heater bulbs I might rig up and section of part of the greenhouse so I can get stuff out there sooner and reclaim my veg tent inside.