How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Found a new home for our veggies on CL over the weekend! 2x4 gorilla for $150 brand new!

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Psst. I use one of these in the living room. Wheels right on the deck when good weather. Easily back in if not. I also have a $20 one without wheels. 3 and 4 years on them now. No issues. Cheap but work if a bit gentle. Just an F.Y.I..

A few years back one of the wife's friends gave us a bunch of peaches. The old stock from around here, not the big Georgia peaches you see in the stores. I planted all the pits and got lots of sprouts. I planted 6-7 at the pond camp, a like amount at the river camp and a few here on the sandhill. Also gave 5-6 to the BIL. The hurricane got all the

This one is a Georgia peach, I was at a funeral last year a little south of Atlanta and stopped at a road side stand and got 5#’s .

Love trees from seed. Are those damned barberry shrubs in the back ground?
Nah those are Holly.
Ah. I have 3 bushes out front. Pain in the ass things. Keep the kids from using bedroom windows as after hour doors. Not much fun beyond. LOL.
Mine are out by the deck, I never really mess with them. I’m not even sure where they came from , probably on clearance or free . I do construction and have brought home most of my landscaping from demo projects, like additions...... dig up the bushes and take them home...... free is good.
Mine are out by the deck, I never really mess with them. I’m not even sure where they came from , probably on clearance or free . I do construction and have brought home most of my landscaping from demo projects, like additions...... dig up the bushes and take them home...... free is good.
Mine are Bar berry shrubs. Thorny mean things. Were overgrown after decades. Trimmed them to find massive dead trunks below 3 feet. LOL. Make great preserves if you got good gloves and better patience.

I miss my construction days. Amazing the things that end up in dumpsters by too well off to be smart types. LMAO. Be frugal and always recycle or repurpose in my world.
The low this morning was 37F. There was frost on the roof of my truck. Didn't see any on the ground, but I sprayed water on all the sprouts at sunrise to be on the safe side. I'm sure it will slow them down even if they don't get burned. But we will be back in the 80's in 4-5 days.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I transplanted tomatoes, grapevines, regular grapefruit, pomelo and wc oranges from trays to cups. (and the first four pomelo from cups to pots) Transplanted all the viney stuff from cups to the raised bed at the riverhouse and the garden on the sandhill.

From left to right, raised bed at the end of the back deck: (both pictures) 2 butternut squash, 4 acorn squash, 6 spaghetti squash and 4 Armenian cucumbers.

Going to try to get the midget greenhouse in the house to assemble tomorrow. Looking like a week and we should be beyond frost.

And my cat is eating everything I have tried to sprout so far indoors. LOL and GRR!
Man my cat got to my cloner last night and destroyed everything! I had some rooting for a friend and needless to say I’m chopping up my plants more tonight lol
Much more frost this morning. It was 36F. There was a little frost on the plants at the riverhouse. The grapevines looked the worse. I hosed everything down before the sun got on it. So hopefully most of it will be alright.

But the viney things I had transplanted on the sandhill were covered with frost. I had to use a jug to wash off the frost, as the hose was frozen. (there was a mosquito frozen in the ice in the end of the hose)
The tomato, pepper, and eggplant starts are growing really fast. I really like the HO T5 fixture with 6500k bulbs for starting seedlings. It does a good job. Now I need to figure out what to do with 40 tomato plants. :mrgreen:


I moved the flowers and herbs into the greenhouse the other day and replanted a bunch of stuff.


Planted up 4 hanging baskets with trailing geranium and petunia starts.


I need to get in and clean up the greenhouse. It's a mess.
All my stuff is still sprouting, at least a month out from putting them in the ground. Was very lucky and my house came with a sturdy greenhouse, snowed last night and was colder than expected but everything should be alright.

Does anyone have a good place or suggestions for cheap shade cloth? I used opaque plastic sheeting last year, got the job done but I didn't really like it and redesigned my raised beds so don't think I could get it attached firmly enough.
All my stuff is still sprouting, at least a month out from putting them in the ground. Was very lucky and my house came with a sturdy greenhouse, snowed last night and was colder than expected but everything should be alright.

Does anyone have a good place or suggestions for cheap shade cloth? I used opaque plastic sheeting last year, got the job done but I didn't really like it and redesigned my raised beds so don't think I could get it attached firmly enough.
Bulk rolls of landscape fabric are a favorite here. I have been lucky enough to find partial bolts of synthetic fabrics at second hand stores also in the past. Hope you have plenty of airflow in the house.
I love gardening but vegetables are boring to me, besides, I'm surrounded by Amish and Mennonites......can buy a bushel of veggies for nickels....cheaper to buy...... Now landscaping is a different story.....shrubs, trees,ground cover,rock garden,Zen garden, thistle garden,hostas( I'm a hostaphile), and especially flowers. Dahlia beds bang from early summer till 1st frost......oh yea.......... poppies(which pair very well with Miles Davis)........a real trip to grow. Nice buzz and gardening at this lake is Nirvana. Veggies have no whimsy for me....they don't entertain me...they just sit there......they look bored......I do enjoy giant pumpkins, their a rush and grapes ( live in big time wine region up North).
Bulk rolls of landscape fabric are a favorite here. I have been lucky enough to find partial bolts of synthetic fabrics at second hand stores also in the past. Hope you have plenty of airflow in the house.

Airflow was why I had to redesign :) I wrapped the frame in plastic to try and get stuff in the ground sooner, sort of worked but it was terrible as soon as it warmed up.

Didn't really think about actual fabrics. I was looking at something like this:

Edit: I did climb inside my plastic cave and closed the flap to hotbox it a bunch of times. Cracked me up.