How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I use the fence all over the garden. Just got done planting 18 honey boat delicata squash. One of the few squash that my whole family enjoys eating. Now just to fill in some holes here and there with marigold and a couple container tomatoes and I should be good to go.
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Cage aversion thing here. Don't like fences. Tesla "Signs". Says it all. But nice lay out. Keep going and eat well.

I'm dropping mini yukon golds and purple South American taters about a foot down in my compost pile. Works really well. Ready between late June - mid August. Almost wasted space if not. Have good garlic grows as well there when I grew it. Just keep the composting going. Ignore the plants.
Things be happening. The garden is growing great so far using nothing but JADAM and KNF methods. I just spread JMS on all my garden area this morning. The recent record heat we've had has been good for some plants but not so much for others. I can already tell that the peas are stalled somewhat and the ones on the south side of the house are pretty much fried before they got started. There are peas on them but the heat ended their run. I might just pull them up now and plant beans there. The corn I planted along the same strip is coming up with determination. It liked those hot days.


Cut down most of the fava beans since they've stopped flowering with the seasonal heat. They're a cool weather crop. I left enough so that I'll get 40-50 seeds to plant later. I used the plant material to make JLF.


Things be happening. The garden is growing great so far using nothing but JADAM and KNF methods. I just spread JMS on all my garden area this morning. The recent record heat we've had has been good for some plants but not so much for others. I can already tell that the peas are stalled somewhat and the ones on the south side of the house are pretty much fried before they got started. There are peas on them but the heat ended their run. I might just pull them up now and plant beans there. The corn I planted along the same strip is coming up with determination. It liked those hot days.


Cut down most of the fava beans since they've stopped flowering with the seasonal heat. They're a cool weather crop. I left enough so that I'll get 40-50 seeds to plant later. I used the plant material to make JLF.


Show off! I'm still eating micro greens and herbs.

I only wish I could find the means and space. I applaud your efforts.
A non promoted product endorsement here. Bought this today. Why did I avoid them this long? Hose is no longer a threat to my plants or a pain in the ass. Ad I can rinse the house while watering the lawn withe increased volume. 001.jpg
I don’t know if the quality control is just shit at the seed packing place or what but I’ve got peppers that are clearly not what they claim. 7F7C9E55-34DD-42AD-8DFA-8C8C146E559D.jpegF3E4AC27-1FFF-4EA5-AC68-F7C8474E7AA0.jpeg
both the above pics are supposed to be grand bell and maybe they are but I suspect the momma of that top pic was stepping out ( if you get my drift ) .A7146673-56B1-47F7-83AD-586C6160BDE6.jpeg
this came from a California wonder package.

This is just a long green import.
I don’t know if the quality control is just shit at the seed packing place or what but I’ve got peppers that are clearly not what they claim. View attachment 4916056View attachment 4916057
both the above pics are supposed to be grand bell and maybe they are but I suspect the momma of that top pic was stepping out ( if you get my drift ) .View attachment 4916059
this came from a California wonder package.

View attachment 4916061
This is just a long green import.
I grow an grand bell mix that have those chocolate bells in them. that might be what you got. The 2nd one looks like a cubanelle. The third maybe hungarian wax? is it hot?
A non promoted product endorsement here. Bought this today. Why did I avoid them this long? Hose is no longer a threat to my plants or a pain in the ass. Ad I can rinse the house while watering the lawn withe increased volume. View attachment 4915901

I hope that isn't like one of my hoses. It looks like the same type of construction. Mine gets kinks in it and stops the flow of water. I'll be in the back of the yard pulling on the hose and it will kink up and I have to drop the hose and go undo the kink. So if anyone hears me in the backyard going "Dammit!" that's why.
I don’t know if the quality control is just shit at the seed packing place or what but I’ve got peppers that are clearly not what they claim. View attachment 4916056View attachment 4916057
both the above pics are supposed to be grand bell and maybe they are but I suspect the momma of that top pic was stepping out ( if you get my drift ) .View attachment 4916059
this came from a California wonder package.

View attachment 4916061
This is just a long green import.

I've had that happen before. Last year some of what were supposed to be beefsteak tomatoes turned out to be some golf ball sized things. I've also had plants I purchased be something else as well. I think people switch the tags on purpose thinking they're being funny.
I grow an grand bell mix that have those chocolate bells in them. that might be what you got. The 2nd one looks like a cubanelle. The third maybe hungarian wax? is it hot?
Yeah it’s a lot hotter than I expected. You have any recommendation canning or how to use it, I didn’t like it raw .

The chocolate bell ..... that makes sense..... the package may have said mix on it..... I’ll look to see if I can find it or check at the store where I got it to see if they have more so I can narrow it down.
I hope that isn't like one of my hoses. It looks like the same type of construction. Mine gets kinks in it and stops the flow of water. I'll be in the back of the yard pulling on the hose and it will kink up and I have to drop the hose and go undo the kink. So if anyone hears me in the backyard going "Dammit!" that's why.
Actually to the contrary. Thick walled liner. Easy to manually kink. I use ball valves. Prolongs hose life. But the boy was fighting it after messing up the unboxing. A rats nest thing and beyond funny if it was not my son displaying a shortage of common sense. Turned the water on and poof it untangled its self. Not the "As seen on TV" version. Actual quality as I can see. High grade aluminum fittings, Cordon/ nylon poly mesh covering. Had that child's toy version. Give me some time. I'll let you know. $56.99 is a bit steep if junk. Worth it if I don't have to cuss and hobble farther.

A wish for humor and satisfaction to you.
I've had that happen before. Last year some of what were supposed to be beefsteak tomatoes turned out to be some golf ball sized things. I've also had plants I purchased be something else as well. I think people switch the tags on purpose thinking they're being funny.
I have a pear tree that was probably miss labeled, it is definitely not a fruit baring tree.

I would like to think a big company like Burpee could get their products right..... but shit happens.
I have a pear tree that was probably miss labeled, it is definitely not a fruit baring tree.

I would like to think a big company like Burpee could get their products right..... but shit happens.
Oh? Seems to be "barring" fruit as stated. "it is definitely not a fruit baring tree".

TY for the grin. Hope I shared it.