How Does Your Garden Grow??????

My Adult Tomato mix has lots of coffee ground compost, organic ferts, lime, Epson salts and other goodies in it, but I was in a rush to get them done. (Adult Tomato mix is really my weed mix, but don't tell anyone)
My recycled weed mix is my secret to crazy fruits. I use a varied mix of lawn, garden, kitchen and strictly oak leaves and small shedded limbs for compost. I also use jobe's "organic", not convinced, tomatoe fert. Cover crops of native wild plants and crop rotation. And the wife donates a can of grounds every two weeks. Acid lovers love them fresh as top dressing.
My recycled weed mix is my secret to crazy fruits. I use a varied mix of lawn, garden, kitchen and strictly oak leaves and small shedded limbs for compost. I also use jobe's "organic", not convinced, tomatoe fert. Cover crops of native wild plants and crop rotation. And the wife donates a can of grounds every two weeks. Acid lovers love them fresh as top dressing.
My cleaning guy's brother in law worked with us for six months. He made two pots of coffee a day. He's gone back up north now, but my coffee ground compost bin is as full as it's been in a long time.
My cleaning guy's brother in law worked with us for six months. He made two pots of coffee a day. He's gone back up north now, but my coffee ground compost bin is as full as it's been in a long time.
Hope he was buying. $10.50 a can irritates me. But pacifies her. I'm ahead.
3 days ago we had 32c as a high with mid teen lows,tonight low of 3c.Cover everything up again.Arg!
A dumb Americon, but we went from 40F highs to 90F overnight 7 days ago. Weather is erratic at best. I have things growing that are supposed to be dead here. Messed my plans up for sure. As I'm intrigued by what nature is giving me. Adapt and improvise. All we can do. Almost always works out. A good year to you.
Hey. Do you guys compost the coffee ground for the Tomato's or just top dress? Been growing for years but haven't really touched on organics until I started grow the Weed a couple of years ago.
Hey. Do you guys compost the coffee ground for the Tomato's or just top dress? Been growing for years but haven't really touched on organics until I started grow the Weed a couple of years ago.
I compost them for all but my acid lovers. And my compost is from first thaw after collection of previous. To next thaw. Full year. All I got.

My maters do very well till over watered. Still working on that.

My garden has 2 giant and colony’s. I think they are airating the soil…. But I will be killing them soon. Poured coffee ground all over them. Next borax. I only planted tobaco and poppies in the garden this year doing an experiment. So far the leaves are mostly going yellow. I guess I should fertilize heavy.
My garden has 2 giant and colony’s. I think they are airating the soil…. But I will be killing them soon. Poured coffee ground all over them. Next borax. I only planted tobaco and poppies in the garden this year doing an experiment. So far the leaves are mostly going yellow. I guess I should fertilize heavy.
Borax for me works on the small brown ants,1/4 borax to 3/4 sugar CE145919-2F8C-463F-A73A-AFAFEB8ECC0C.jpeg
My garden has 2 giant and colony’s. I think they are airating the soil…. But I will be killing them soon. Poured coffee ground all over them. Next borax. I only planted tobaco and poppies in the garden this year doing an experiment. So far the leaves are mostly going yellow. I guess I should fertilize heavy.
I hate poisons of all kinds. But you need to use a bait they will take into the colony. I just chase them around with Diatomaceous earth. And very carefully. I want insects and bees.
Thanks, I know, I don’t want poison to absorb into the tobacco. Or other things. I guess borax isn’t that bad. I hope they take a borax nugget right to the queen.
Thanks, I know, I don’t want poison to absorb into the tobacco. Or other things. I guess borax isn’t that bad. I hope they take a borax nugget right to the queen.
I forgot to mention marigolds. Natural repellent. No clue about an established colony. Do know they move their entrances if annoyed. Hence my selective chasing, herding.
I saw a few worm holes in the tomatoes night before last. Only found a few so small you are not even sure if they are worms. But I sprayed BT last night on everything but the beans and corn. I hate to say anything, but these are some of the best looking tomatoes I have had in a while.

The tomatoes I put in gallon pots are doing pretty good. I have to mix soil and make some more beds. I'm going to try to stay away from pots this year if I can. Even with them in trays to hold water, last year's tomatoes just didn't do well in the 3 gallon pots.
