Active Member
lol.. i' love the whole sentiment on this site where it's like medical marijuana users are these victimized people who need their medications.. and everyone else using marijuana is just evil.
Hopefully as we progress into the future.. our fight in MJ evolves to that we truly wish to legalize it.. for EVERYONE. Not some NO on prop 19 stuff based on profits and bullshit. Not just conforming to the limit that marijuana is only to be used by people that are sick. If we truly believe int he product.. lets fully try to legitimize by acting like we actually believe it. Not a bunch of hungry savages fighting each other for the government quota of handout.
Don't get me wrong i completely understand when some people on here say that they get livid when they see some kid on here try to get into a club and then possibly take a club spot and now some old grandmother somewhere has no meds.
Seriously.. even if you really believe MJ is to be used by "sick".. who's to truly say who's sick and not. Maybe Im not ill but i have anxiety and weed makes my days pass? Who knows.
Again i understand the sentiment of some.. I just wish some of you people would stop with the "OMG this kid is so fucking evil for asking how to get a marijuana club card"... not everyone understands the details and intricacies and complexities of the MJ clubs and medical laws in CA. I for one had no idea there were shortage of "spots" in these clubs..
blaw blaw blaw, who gives a fuck?
prop 19 sucks thats why people dont like it.