How far along can a female plant be pollinated by a hermie.?


Active Member
I have 2 plants that are well into flowering one is about 7 weeks into flowering and the other is about 5weeks..I think i have a hermie about 2 weeks into flowering can I pollinate my other plants.?


Active Member
well it only takes a few hours from polination to have seed formation. however, those seeds aren't viable until about 3 weeks of growth but really takes longer to make good seeds. but as soon as you've gotten polination that bud won't be worth much anymore. even tiny seeds that don't germinate smell, taste, smoke like seeds.


Well-Known Member
here is a good test:

shake the hermie....does pollen dust come off? if so, that pollen can pollinate your other plants.

but like the poster above me mentioned, viable seeds take a while.


Well-Known Member
if he shakes the plant...then he most likely will pollinate them...there is a hermie solution...dutch master takes the male genetics out of a hermie plant...turning it back to 100% female.unless your breeding for dont want to pollinate your females...some cut the "balls" off...but then you run the risk of bursting a pollen sack...or missing a few of them


Well-Known Member
if he shakes the plant...then he most likely will pollinate them...there is a hermie solution...dutch master takes the male genetics out of a hermie plant...turning it back to 100% female.unless your breeding for dont want to pollinate your females...some cut the "balls" off...but then you run the risk of bursting a pollen sack...or missing a few of them

i'm not sure if he wants to pollinate his plants or not pollinate his plants.

he might be able to take it to a remote location and shake test for pollen without doing in his other females.

hey zerox, do you want to pollinate your plants or not?