How far along?

Hey all, how long do you think this one has till harvest?

The plant is one month and 15 days old, so there's about 15-20 days left in its life cycle.
Question is, when should I harvest? I want to harvest one plant near the beginning of the peak harvesting time when the thc level is at its max, another plant a little later, and the other plant near the end of the peak harvest time.

the camera I have sorta sucks, so its hard to get nice close up high quality pics. Iv read up about peak harvest time, and how people buy magnifying glasses to better be able to tell when to harvest, im not sure if I will buy one (maybe if I find a good cheap one) but, what is the main thing I should look out for which indicates the plants are entering peak maturity?



Well-Known Member
Go ahead buy 1 only way to know for sure.Look at the trichomes.
What kind of light you running?
Thanks,just saw what I need to do,I need to hit mine from the side with some kind of light.


Well-Known Member
It looks like it has a bit to go to me. Trichomes is best way to tell. But the plant will also tell you, the buds will swell and hairs will recede and change color. How long has it been flowering?nvm auto I got it
Lights: 2x 1.2 metre long, 36w & 38w, 3000+ kelvin T8 tubes (for flowering)
And: 4x 23w CFL`s I think they're 6400 kelvins, for vegging)
This is my first indoor grow and I had just 3 lights at the start. but next time I will have more lights from the start and I'm pretty certain that will make a bit of a difference in plant bushiness. (more bushy & more buds)

Its been flowering for a few weeks now, maybe 3 weeks? maybe 2, I didn't take notice, woops.

so? the Trichomes are the little tiny things that are hard to see because they're so small, right? ... and when they go from clear to hazy, that's the beginning of the peak maturity stage, right?


Well-Known Member
Correct. Their are 4 types of trichomes the glandular stalked trichs that appear on the flowers are most potent but the entire plant including leaves and stems is covered in them. A 60-100x scope will help you see. When they turn cloudy that particular trich is no longer producing cannabinoids. As soon as they turn cloudy they are done, as thc degrades into cbn along with other degrading cannabinoids it turns amber..In order to have the most trichs at peak potency inherently some will have to be amber.. the later you harvest the more cbn and more "messed up" hazy dreamlike etc the high will be. The flavors become mature and robust as well...... your plant has a long time to go. Happy growing:)
They look like they have a ways to go. Get you a jewelers magnifying glass, they are on Ebay for 3 or 4 dollars, take about a week to ship. I just got mine and it will make all the sense in the world to you when you actually see than. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
A jewelers loupe is handy especially for photos...what I was talking about though goes up to 100x is 12 dollars at any radio shack its a handheld scope like the loupe but you have to put your eye on it and you have to focus it, also has a light...... I have both loupe for photos and easy view of trichs while on plant. Other one gives me a real good look and easiest on cut product


Well-Known Member
Go to Harbor Freight, buy a jewelers loupe, they are like $4....or go to Radio shack, buy the $12 loupe, get frustrated with it and THEN go to Harbor Freight and buy the $4 loupe. Either way you will be happy with the Harbor Freight loupe, especially if you already wear eyeglasses.
Go to Harbor Freight, buy a jewelers loupe, they are like $4....or go to Radio shack, buy the $12 loupe, get frustrated with it and THEN go to Harbor Freight and buy the $4 loupe. Either way you will be happy with the Harbor Freight loupe, especially if you already wear eyeglasses.

Actually, it will cost probably a few thousand Zl (my currency) to buy a ticket to fly to your country, (no points for guessing what country that is, right?)