how far do i keep my 400watt hps from my clones


Active Member
yea .. cfls are great for this and I dont keep my clones directly in the light anyway ( personal preference ) and yellowing is usually a good sign . Most varieties will yellow a little as roots form . Thats why you see so many cuttings with the leaves cut in half on here .... they think they did something wrong and trim all the yellow out before they take pics but i regress ... I personally wouldnt waste the juice using a 400 w for cloning .. save that for the budding and get you a couple cheap cfl's . Another personal note here ... I never foiler feed my clones , I want them to have to get all there water from the bottom .. I believe this makes them more dependent on forming roots - but thats just me .

Good luck , hope you get good roots soon


Well-Known Member
I also have a 400 hps. I use the hand method where I just put my hand over the top of the plant. If its to hot for my hand to stay there then its to hot for the plants. As far as yellowing I would say sounds like over water or nute burn. Maybe lights to close? Good luck! Let me know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
i use cfl's for clones and when they go under my mh/hps they go to the outside of the light patern to harden off like i would harden a plant off before i took it outside...when i do clones i trim all bigger leaves in half this way they take in light but dont lay on the sides of cubes or in the soil.....I trim them as they brown and the will on the ends but IMO this is the best way to do clones and im at 98% success