How far does your grows smell travel?

Brick Squad

Active Member
If you were to grow and keep it low key in a fairly residential area
your plot could be outta sight but not outta smell.
how far could your plots stench travel if you were growing some prime plants
and if it was pretty Dank do you think it would alert people living near by?



Well-Known Member
As far a human olfactory? It's not really a question anyone can answer.. You could smell it from a mile away if the wind is right and a particle happens to come in contact with your olfactories.
But as a rule of thumb, I would say after a city block you should be safe.. But if the wind is blowing right, maybe farther..

But as for dogs, well I don't think anyone can answer that. Dogs don't type :)

Brick Squad

Active Member
you really think so?

To stay out of harms way you have to go off the grid pretty much?
im guessing several miles from anything to do with people?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
There's a house on my street that gives off a strong smell of some very nice plants - I never walk past the house but the smell is strong every time I drive past.

Lucky the police drive around with windows up and air-con blasting as the smell is so obvious.

Brick Squad

Active Member
As far a human olfactory? It's not really a question anyone can answer.. You could smell it from a mile away if the wind is right and a particle happens to come in contact with your olfactories.
But as a rule of thumb, I would say after a city block you should be safe.. But if the wind is blowing right, maybe farther..

But as for dogs, well I don't think anyone can answer that. Dogs don't type :)
Yeah i just mean humans i dont want someone to be getting the mail one day and get a strong wiff of the reefer, i mean one little hint of it should not be terrible but if it smells the whole area up that would definately be alarming people to alert some leo

Brick Squad

Active Member
There's a house on my street that gives off a strong smell of some very nice plants - I never walk past the house but the smell is strong every time I drive past.

Lucky the police drive around with windows up and air-con blasting as the smell is so obvious.
hah should ring the doorbell and ask for a sample :P

but yeah im not going to be indoors i wish i could be then a carbon filter would easily solve my new found dilema


Well-Known Member
you really think so?

To stay out of harms way you have to go off the grid pretty much?
im guessing several miles from anything to do with people?
Yeah dude, If not for the main reason that someone might find it and rip it off..

When I did outdoor, I would go for a hike.. Usually drive out of the city, find a good forest or prairie, hike in 30 mins to 1 hour. Find your spot and bob is your uncle..
You're going to visit it weekly so maybe mark it on your GPS or make sure you know exactly where it is..
I always visit the place once a week for a month or two before you even plant there.. That way you know the area, you don't look out of place there, and you get an idea from hanging out there how many people if any, are going to be wandering around there..


Well-Known Member
NP dude.

You can usually get at least 1 plant indoor without raising to much of a stink.. Just get a strain that doesn't smell much..