How far right have Republicans really gone?


Well-Known Member
[Martin] Feldstein is an economics professor at Harvard University. He's also the retired president of the National Bureau of Economic Analysis, the well-regarded organization that determines when the economy falls into recession, as well as when recessions come to an end.

He was one of the first top economists to call the start of what became the Great Recession, telling CNNMoney in early January 2008 that a recession was "likely." The recession was later determined to have begun in December 2007.

Feldstein has also served as a top adviser and policymaker for every Republican administration since Ronald Reagan, for whom he served as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. In his role as an adviser to George W. Bush's campaign, he is widely seen as the father of the tax cuts that were passed early in that administration.
Feldstein blames the Obama administration for much of the economic mess - but not in the same ways that orthodox Republicans would. He suggests that the $830 billion stimulus package passed in 2009 by Democrats -- over almost universal Republican opposition -- was not big enough to make up for the drop in demand for the economy. That's an argument usually made by liberal economists rather than conservative ones.

And rather than say that there should have been more emphasis on tax cuts in the stimulus, as Republicans typically do, he says that direct government spending is the more effective. He believes the money should have been spent on military equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan rather than to support state and local governments and other public works, as the Obama stimulus package did.(source)
But no, today's Republicans are moderate! It's those damn Socialist muslim kenyan Democrats who've moved left!


Well-Known Member
Martin Feldstein was also a board member of AIG, and was at the helm during it's spiraling collapse that required Fed bank money to rescue it. As a "One Worlder" piece of shit member of the Trilateral commission, I can see why you hold him in such high esteem.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
First, Democrats AND Republicans have both moved left. Second, I don't understand if he is blaming Obama for the financial mess then why does he vindicate him?
Not that I've got a dog in this fight, if Feldstein was an advisor to every RPOTUS since Lincoln, I would listen to him.


Well-Known Member
First, Democrats AND Republicans have both moved left. Second, I don't understand if he is blaming Obama for the financial mess then why does he vindicate him?
Not that I've got a dog in this fight, if Feldstein was an advisor to every RPOTUS since Lincoln, I would listen to him.
care to explain?


Well-Known Member
Well my thoughts on the down fall is Bushs fault. Why the hell did he think the American people should pay for the stupidity of banks wall street and morage companies. I think they should have let them FAIL and took every thing the MF cheated the America people and put all those bastards in jail. obama just keeps pushing us down and blames bush for his BS.


Active Member
Ronald Regan would not be considered a Republican today. He was too far left. He personally defended the right of people to collectivley bargain! He made an address to the nation about it.

So yeah they have gone more right.

Sounds like Feldstein knew there was a recession coming because he was, at the very least, partly responisble for it.
Best part was when he said MORE war spending was needed. Good god.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
care to explain?
Watch for new thread "historic origins of right/left". Although I am adamantly opposed to thinking of the political spectrum as a one-dimensional line with right/left only, I use this as an example of how, since the beginning of these terms, things have changed.


Well-Known Member
An example of how far right they have gone compared to Reagan...Reagan actually supported unions...These Repukes do not


Well-Known Member
As a Country we continue to move towards the left and always will. We are used to it and prefer it. The difference is like Work and Home and let's face it, most of us would rather be and feel much more comfortable at home. Homes and families are very liberal. People share in the work and rewards. Everyone chips in and they all eat the same meal at the end of the day. A family structure is very Communist and it works due to the vastly diminished amount of greed within the home or family.

Work on the other hand is a Conservative/"Right" wing structure. Everyone competes. Those who excel climb the ladder, make more, gain power over others and the division of classes is required and obvious. The strong thrive and the weak suffer. That's how a Republican thinks everything should work. That some should win and some should lose.

See how that doesn't work in a Family or household?

See why America has always and will always move to the left? Yeah, works sucks. Go kiss your family.


Well-Known Member
Bill Moyers discusses the shift from the Citizen Society to the Corporate and Organized Wealth Society.

I think the reader will gain a better perspective if they understand the concept of power shifting from the Citizen based power that the USA was and how Plutocracy works.

Remember our founding fathers allowed for slavery and the far right is strongly against organized labor and civil rights from what I understand so if they are in power then we are on the road back towards world economic slavery under a world police like the NSA possibly.

Just contributing content.


Well-Known Member
How can you say Homes and families are very liberial. Lol. They do not eat the same meal at the end of the day, they do not "share in the work". That construct is an idealistic image you have in your head, not reality. But one things for sure, with the way the ecomomy is tanking, there's going to be a lot more Democrats around, (those are the ones with their hands out) wanting to share what I work 14 hours a day to create.


Well-Known Member
How can you say Homes and families are very liberial. Lol. They do not eat the same meal at the end of the day, they do not "share in the work". That construct is an idealistic image you have in your head, not reality. But one things for sure, with the way the ecomomy is tanking, there's going to be a lot more Democrats around, (those are the ones with their hands out) wanting to share what I work 14 hours a day to create.
You didn't have chores and dinner in your household huh? Your dad ate steaks and threw you the scraps? That sucks. Sorry to hear.

Detroit huh? You're welcome from Democrats for bailing your city out. Maybe Mitt can "Let Detroit Go Broke" like he promised in 2013. My family wouldn't let that happen to any family member.


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
First, Democrats AND Republicans have both moved left.
No they didn't. You're attempting to rewrite history.

If you take snap shots in time you'll see the republican party has been moving to the right since it's creation.

Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon would be too liberal to run for the democratic party nomination today. Even Reagan, Ford, and George HW Bush would be too liberal to win a republican primary.

Obama and Clinton would be too conservative to run as republicans in the 40's-70's.

The US has moved very very far to the right since Reagan.


Well-Known Member
The US has moved very very far to the right since Reagan.
The Republican Party has tried to in what could be some last ditch attempt to return us to the 1930s but it isn't going well for them. See Sarah Palin for example. She and they aren't going anywhere. Fun to watch though.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The Republican Party has tried to in what could be some last ditch attempt to return us to the 1930s but it isn't going well for them. See Sarah Palin for example. She and they aren't going anywhere. Fun to watch though.
Yeah, it really seems like a dumb time to run on the same platform Hoover ran on. At first I thought they were just trying to be ironic, but now I see they are just preying on people's like of very basic historical information from that time and republican's willingness to believe re-written history.


Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney promised to let Detroit go broke in 2013, jeebus! Since I know you can't provide a link to that statement, can you at least explain why you would say such bullshit?