How fast can you change flower light cycle


Hello RIU community,
I am a new grower and have a perpetual harvest running with a new plant in flower every week. I am going to run nine plants total in flower, I am now six weeks into cycle and am 3/4 weeks away from a plant to harvest every week. so this is my set up basically . I know this is stupid but my light cycle is set up backwards. My flower room lights come on at 8 am and go off at 8 pm. Being in Michigan is does not get crazy hot here but I am running 6800w and need to take advantage of the cooler night/morning temps.
So how fast can I can I change the cycle start/stop time? Is 5 minutes a day way to fast? 5 minutes every other day? Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. I bought two teenagers from a friend and just harvest them.Those were my first plants I ever grew so I am well read but very new and inexperienced. Thanks Pic of a SLH getting moved to flower, 8 weeks veg, yeah I like the big girls.


Well-Known Member
I would just turn the lights out for an extra few hours until the new time I want them to come one. The extra dark time won't do anything to hurt the plants, its no different then a dark stormy day with lots of clouds.