How Hard Is It For You To Find Shrooms?


Hey guys so this is the 3rd week looking for shrooms since I cant smoke anymore I kinda wanna trip. 5 of us went through our phones asked everyone possible to see if they had the hookup. Its not like just want an 8th.. I dont get it why is it so hard?

Same by you or am i alone in fuggin chicago


Well-Known Member
if i went out for them i could get pounds of shrooms. 3 of us did them last year and it was more intense then what i remember in my high school days


Active Member
Why not just grow them? PF tek is really easy and with the brown rice flower substrate you don't even need a pressure cooker (though it would help to get one if you get serious). The rarity of 'shrooms in your area could become a blessing if you know what I mean.


Active Member
we have the same prob here, been looking for 6 months and nothing, so now i must resort to hunting or growing