How HC really should have started the MMPR


Well-Known Member
What a fricken catastrophe this "new"mmpr has been for ppl needing their medication. As with Greenleaf doing a recall and being kicked from the "authorised list" how many patients has that put out so far??? Then the need to go back to the doctor for them to write another upon another different form for every LP out there just until you can get your needed medication.... that's if they have any in fucking stock!?!?! the whole thing smells of suffering, as I am and have been for a long while now. yeah sure we could still go to the black market (roll the dice on quality of meds there) or illegally grow your own (how the fuck can I get any seeds to do that anyways)
Glad I didn't turn in my pink ATP yet.... so getting to the topic at hand.... yeah yeah those who still have the ability to grow your own blah blah but I just have an ATP like a lot of ppl.
So HC wanted to get out of the MMJ business well a little common sense would have gone along way but it's govt how the hell do they even consider common sense, here's how I would have done it.

First off ensure these LP's would be up and running with overstock for all who had the ability to even use MMJ in Canada, imagine if the court case for you that can still grow your own didn't happen this would be worse than it is. Then have a central database that each LP could access (securely on a private network) and have HC issue you a card (as they didn't give me a card with my ATP "as they were not doing that at this time anymore" still have my mug shot though ffs) so they wanted theses LP's to run like businesses so vie for our loyaly by having good medication and if your a fucking scam or have loser product you don't survive period as you wont have customers anymore and go broke. So you as the patient go online or call give your secret number blah blah order your meds then the LP checks on the "central database" to check whether you already ordered your monthly allotment or still have ordering room, wala your order is processed and in a couple days or so your doing your meds. if your unsatisfied you can return your product as the amount returned will be added back to your monthly allotment then do the same from a different LP that would start to single out those crap LP's and the good ones that have a good price will prevail, which is what this is intended to be right .... customers find the good suppliers???

Because so far this has been total crap.... doesn't take a god damn rocket scientist to figure out how to do something fucking smoothly.

as for the guys still able to grow hope you cam still do that into the future but really I would organise a lot more and start getting your ass on insurance companies to pick up the tab like any other medications. because one day you will be "ffs they took my ability to grow legally away from me" and the only way would be join the rest of us or doing illegally (yaah I know everyone would do that blah blah..... but some have families and that puts there kids at risk, cause ya know they wouldn't think twice at taking them, most ppl would risk that) call your MP's make the govt make the insurance companies add MMJ, I for one am covered as I'm a vet but I would also signed a petition for that.

Rant ended
That statement almost makes no sense, can not change how they started once it's already been done.... maybe in the twilight zone. I do fully intend on letting them know what went on for me once I finally get some medication. As I suspect I will get a thank you for my comments and rubber stamped letter on how concerned they are about blah blah, as per the govt.
does make me wonder how they are controlling medication as you can guess ppl get phonie scripts for narcotics all the time. control from one LP to another for access to their medication.......
Why does anybody have to locked into one provider. No wonder these greedy asses who started these LP's are so excited.
They figure that once your hooked up with them they own a nice herd of cattle.
You can go to any pharmacy and get a script filled. so why not the script you have for weed.
More double standard mumbo jumbo.
The patients are just a dollar sign to these companies.
LOCKED IN FOR A YEAR....what like a slave would be?

Any then go back and forth to your Doctor annoying him/her to the point where they want nothing to do with MM at all !!!
I'm sure most doctor don't have time to play the "lets pick an LP" game.
Locked in is unfair in itself.
Price fixing much.
How does forcing a patient to buy from only one company ( when there is actually more choice that exist) not be unfair access in itself. It's the perfect example of limiting access...DUH
Mr Conroy should have plenty of great examples by the time this get to court.
Such as people with no doctor to go to...forced purchasing,,,poor qaulity...high prices....people with NO WHERE TO TURN as we are seeing in this forum...and patients with NO MEDS
Ya it's going good so far....PUN !!!!

It'd so very obvious that whoever designed HC's new system had no real clue as to what they were doing or how it all really works. Stupid shits !
I think this is more of a precursor to legalization (ensuring big business is good to go before the govt can take more taxes) more than helping the sick get access to medication, imagine if the "system" had more of a strain of the ppl that still could grow their own... could not. it would be way worse to try and get any meds (by the way I'm now on 1 month with no light at the end of the tunnel yet)
and one more thing if your starting out something new and you know it's not ready you extend the timeline till you know it's good to go.....

wish weed was like long ago sometimes.... had seeds in it.... I would start my own grow(if spring ever comes) tap the record album to loosen the seeds from the pot ... how many of you remember those times?

we need more seeded pot every now and then, start spreading the weed like "Johnny apple weed" er I mean seed lol
that would be fucking hilarious weed growing everywhere, parks, courthouses, boulevards on main street fields of green homegrow all over the country! fuck them all
Correct me if I'm wrong but where in the regulations does it state that you have to be locked in for 1 year with a producer? All I see is that the registration of a client is valid for a year and needs to be renewed annually etc.
well you kind of are, unless you keep going back to the doctor's for another script, then what if you have another bad experience from that LP, ohh umm doctor I need another form for you to fill out..... still got 9 more LP's to go so maybe you have to get 8 more scripts until you find the LP that either has the meds that work for you and /or that hasn't screwed ya over with umm say "a recent recall" or off some other consumer/business screw over. like corporations never screwed anyone over before. hopefully that doesn't happen but how long before your doc starts to say fuck that this more problems than it's worth ... no more changes!! ummm locked in fer a year!
now mind you, if you were allowed to have your script all tickity boo and register with a central data base, umm screwed over or don't like your crap meds. just change over, order hahaha I'm good.

what happens when all the good ones are booked full of clients, just shitty LP's ready to screw the new patients over.
you should be able to produce your own, have legal compassion clubs/LP's and just regular LP's. the last two only on central data base to ensure someone's not getting more than their prescribed
That sort of central registry system would be the way to go, it would make picking an LP so much easier for people, doctors would not be pissed, and other doctors would not gauge people for scripts. Now, mind you that we'll have folks complaining that their data is in a "mainframe" somewhere and "the man" is watching etc. etc.
ummm if your in the MMAR system , you are on a list on a "mainframe" so that's a mute point. pretty damn sure there is a list of ppl that are under MMPR on govt list also, but don't know cause that's like secret LP stuff
I personally don't care if I'm on any list cause right now this second the police can't do a damn thing to me. just need to get my meds..... taking too fucking long to get them.....
I read this somewhere .... hope this helps..
Good news, you are not limited to only one LP! The MMPR does makes it sound as if you can only have one LP at a time. Section 3, line 126 is titled, “26. Prohibition — obtaining from more than one source”. But if you read line 126, it states, “It is prohibited to seek or obtain dried marihuana from more than one source at a time on the basis of the same medical document.” (Emphasis mine). What this means is that you cannot take your paperwork from one LP and use it to order from a second LP as well. But this doesn’t mean you are limited to only one Producer, nor does it mean you have to leave your current Producer to try a new one. It only means you need separate paperwork for each LP you choose. So you either need to take separate paperwork for each Licensed Producer you would like to purchase medical marijuana from at one time, or you need to return to your healthcare specialist/doctor and have them sign new forms for a new Producer.