How high should i hang l.e.d.s above seedlings??


Active Member
i want to use either my 45w glowpanel or 90w ufo to start my seedlings after they pop. i cant find any consistent recommendations on the height i should hang my led's above them. does anyone use either of these lights from seed? if so, how high are you hanging the lights? mahalo and aloha from hawaii:joint:


New Member
Same hight as you would use for cfls, a foot and a half maybe ??

Use blue leds for veg ! :weed:

happy growing in Hawaii :weed:

soz dude i put 2 posts up


Well-Known Member
As close as possible. I believe LEDs emit almost no heat (not much light either..LOL) so they can be just about touching. A rule of thumb (like it..) is if the light feels too hot to your hand it is too hot for the plant.


Active Member
just noticed one of the seedlings looks like it may have some crinkles in the first pair of leaves. any ideas? light too close?


Well-Known Member
If you're using plastic covers for your seedlings, you can put the leds right on the plastic cover. You don't want them a foot away, one inch would do it.
thanks for the input one of my plants the leaves are kind of hanging lower than when i first got my clones i think i might be over watering them how often should i water my plants there in 5 gallon buckets?? and i heard i should move my seedlings that are in soil out of my room until i find out which are male or female is this true??