How I accelerate fade in soil

I was at the hardware store buying large mouth quart ball jars for canning...and an old hippie hanging by the register said "Ah, I know what you're're storing the kind!" Which sort of alarmed me because I'm not really into public displays...he then went on to clarify: "How many trees do you tap and how much syrup to you end up with each season?"
Lol they might as well just change the Canadian flag to a pot leaf at this point.
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That's going to be a good batch! My best ever batch was dried at 55%, and now that's what I shoot for every time. Those big colas scare me though, I think of them as botrytis landmines-but you guys run an AiROS right? Just curious if you've had any botrytis issues since using the AirROS?
No… I did get a lab reading on one strain of 500 CFU’s, but the threshold is 10,000.
pHing your water to 4.0 is a good way to lower the pH in the pots by 0.1 - 0.5 but it won't change the pH of the pot to 4.0. The medium is a huge buffer to what amounts to a few drops of weak acid so nullifies any large drop in pH. Certainly won't make a big enough change to cause lock-outs.

Now if you changed a hydro system to 4.0 that might do it. Would sure screw up the grow if left long.

Interesting point. I get the water PH down to about 3.3. I would think that would cause some lockout?...
Lockout funk doesn't taste good IMO. I can tell when a plant is harvested in that state, at least in hydro systems without a buffer. Soil is different.. I can't describe it, but its like what the old folks homes smell like or something. They all have that weird smell, because they eat they same junk foods served to them, and are at a ripe old age. Very acidic bodies that will bloat 10 times worse after death than if they were fed only what they needed.

Just starve the plant a month early(no don't), or run low EC/PPMs from the start. Do intermittent low feedings, but don't emaciate the poor suckers. Fasting is one of the most beneficial things for animals, why wouldn't it have benefits for plants too?

Those saying its all about how you dry/cure.. nah. You cant dry your way out of plants that were overfed nutrients and additives, just like the cows we plump up with gmo corn/grains, when they should be more lean and only eat grass in the first place..
Do you guys cure your beef too? Is it better that way?
Dry aged beef done properly is one of the greatest flavors you'll ever have. It releases a much deeper and richer flavor. So yes, if I had the equipment, I'd cure my beef 100% of the time. The cool thing is everyone can do it their own way if it's what they think is right for their plants. I'd just say I've done it both ways with salt nutes and dry amendments and feeding to the end with tapering off slightly at the finish produces the best plants for me. Then it's up to the drying and curing to get the smooth flavors and smoke from the plant.