How I bullt my Grow Box-Step by step

Snappy, i would reccommend you invest in a good fan. S&P makes a very good line of fans that are quiet, powerful, and cheap. For you, i would recommend getting the TD-150 or TD-200.

You will never have to worry about temperature problems again, which is worth the money to me. I'm glad i got one of these fans and i'm never going back...

Maybe before buying a new expensive fan, Snappy, you could try to install your 6" white fan to the opposite side of your box from your other exhaust fan, and have 2 exhaust currents, kind of like a rigged up PC case.. I personally have 3 fans inside my pc all exhaust and I swear when my hand is inside, there is a whirlwind of air rushing around it. Might work for your setup here?? I thought it'd be worth a try.

EDIT, except that I went back to page one to check out your box, and you'd somehow have to cut a new top hole into your wooden wall... so unless you have an easy way to do that lol, forgo my idea...
You are going to need to get an inline fan dude, there really isn't anyway around it.... Drop the money and you will be rewarded with sticky nice buds
Snappy, i would reccommend you invest in a good fan…For you, i would recommend getting the TD-150 or TD-200.
appreciate the help I do believe I see one in the horizon...

Maybe before buying a new expensive fan, Snappy, you could try to install your 6" white fan to the opposite side of your box from your other exhaust fan, and have 2 exhaust currents,... except that I went back to page one to check out your box, and you'd somehow have to cut a new top hole into your wooden wall... so unless you have an easy way to do that...

Let me get this straight so what you are saying is to place the White Fan as an exaust on the oposite wall - and not next to - the black fan right? and leave the intake "Hole" on the bottom alone?? Dude this opens up so many options... read on for the BrainStorm you gave me...:wall:

You are going to need to get an inline fan dude, there really isn't anyway around it…
experience trumps creativity... but when life gives you lemons...

I am thinking that I will, for this plant, go ahead and make a 6" hole for a second Exaust fan (White one) on the oposite wall at the same dimensions as the black one and check the temps then, hopefully this works for the CFL's.

Once I Switch to HIDs I can remove the Fans altogether and use the holes for the Intake and exaust that will go out of the hood. got some more questions on this but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. but if I use duct for the hood, I would have to make a fourth hole and give the plants their own exaust again since the original will be pluged by the hood's duct. right???
wow.. Glad I could be of some help. :-o
What did you use to make your original hole? And how will you make the new one while the box is in use??

Def. glad I subscribed here, lol I'm giving myself ideas for when I start my stealth grow sometime in the coming months.

And yes I suggested across from your original exhaust fan because that will create more of a cross draft sort of thing.

Poke on :bigjoint: ;)
You can exhaust your room through the hood dude, that is what I do. Fan>>>>hood>>>>>carbon filter. The >>> is ducting attaching them all. Here is a pic to show you:
You can exhaust the room through the hood, but if the temps are running high with fluoro lighting, it might not provide enough cooling, as you're using the already warm air from the room to cool the bulb, which is why we've been suggesting giving the hood it's own cool air intake, which will keep the bulb temps lower and so less of the heat from the bulb is heating the room.
Snappy, sorry if I was a bit unclear. You need to work out the volume of your room in cubic feet, by multiplying length x width x height. Then make sure the exhaust fan/s you have are capable of moving at least that much air every minute. Every fan has a cfm rating, which stands for cubic feet per minute, so the number of the total cfm rating of all your exhaust fans should be greater than the volume of the room.
I can't tell how much air a fan will move just based on it's size, a cheap 8" axial might move less air than a good 4" centrifugal/vortex fan, the cfm rating is what you need to go by. It might be expressed in m3/hr, to convert to cfm simply multipy by 0.59 (it's actually 0.588577779 but that level of accuracy isn't really necessary)
Hello All,

Didn't have much to share last week but Here we :leaf::leaf:GROW:leaf::leaf: again

wow.. Glad I could be of some help. :-o
What did you use to make your original hole? And how will you make the new one while the box is in use??

Got up Early when the lights were on and I knew I had time to work took me about an hour, just took her out turned the box on its side and took a drill and saw to it. No Fuzz.

Here is a pic to show you:

why we've been suggesting giving the hood it's own cool air intake

Thanks guys I apreciate the help, I am putting my pennies aside and when the time comes I'll let you know.

as for now

I placed the white fan opposite side for extra Exaust...


Can you guys see where I have my Term' (lower Right Corner) is this the correct place to check My Temps because if I am doing this correctly... than unfortunately the temps only dropped about 5 Degrees, so now we're in the upper 70s low 80's it's not what it used to be, but I thought it would drop more.

as for progress, here's a pic of my Top...

As you can see, my flowers are getting :weed::weed:Fuller and wider...:weed::weed:

Here's the View I get:hump::hump: everytime I open the Door...:weed::weed:

Thanks for all your help, I'll let you know of the progress as it happens.
The thermometer should be right under the light, where the plants are. You want to know the temperatures that they are living in. If it's down in the corner it will be in the shade of the plant (can't actually see it in the pic tbh).
a cheap way to keep your temps down is to put a tray of ice under your intake fan so it blows cold air around, i did this and the temps dropped from 88f to 78f!!! works really well and is cheap u should try it. btw great post