one of my buddies told me last week that america is going to be worse off not bringing religion into public schools. he said this because some kids are confused and troubled and need guidance. somehow he thinks this guidance is religion, or crazy christianity.
i explained that there are enough dumb people in this country, and there is no reason to waste the tax payers money teaching kids more lies when they need to be taught real things like mathematics. he laughed at me and said "of course you would say something like that" .. what the fuck does that mean? i think that its absolute horseshit that they waste time teaching with a history book that is full of lies.. this is bad enough, but you want to waste MORE time and think kids should learn about god in school too? how much fantasy does a kid really need? i thought school was about learning and preparing kids for what lies ahead..
i have no idea what this has to really do with the thread.
my buddy hit me up yesterday and when i saw his name on my phone i thought about punching him in the face. so i didnt answer.
it becomes harder and harder as i get older for me to even be friends with religious people. there ignorance and one sided "you just gota have faith" brainless bullshit just twists me the wrong way anymore. and the further they push it with an argument the more i want to snap
- bongtoke. chill