How I'd do it

I'm pretty sure this subject has been covered in colorado... unless someone's planning in driving to pueblo to buy some shyte they could grow in rice at their grandma's house w cfl's and a rubbermade grow box :)
LOL, Chef. I did not realize failspammy was posting in this section. I hope everyone here realizes what a f'in imbecile he is, and gives him the grief he deserves.

PS He lives with his grandmother in Pueblo?
Haha, yes he does. JK, I dunno what poor soul is housing him, needless to say they deserve an award for kindness or a swift kick to the ass to knock some sense into their heads.
Well, he spins a pretty good story for anyone with a low double digit IQ. As I said in one of his threads in TnT, any 21 year old would be cool to 14 year olds, if he was hanging out and supplying them with weed. Perhaps he found some 14 year old living with their oblivious grandparent, like Bad Santa.

I wonder how many other tools in Pueblo were actually running for the office of "Facebook rep". I'm betting the farm on zero, so he won by default. If I was closer, I would go and find him at the event for some, well, let's say "stress relief".
So, while I was at a party, you guys were on rollitup, bumping all over my threads as much as you could, with useless videos. Thanks I guess. Why do you guys love my threads so much? :lol: And I got banned for posting a bunch of music videos on my grow thread, so watch out Clayton. You might get banned soon.
Too bad they can't make someone a moderator, but like, only for their own threads :lol: But since moderation goes in sections, or global, that wouldn't work I don't think.
I wonder how many other tools in Pueblo were actually running for the office of "Facebook rep".

:lol: no one ran for that :lol: And no one is "Facebook rep" I just happen to be the host of the official facebook event page. The "office" I received (after making the event, so I didn't "earn" facebook status from someone, I just took that for myself) is called "Pueblo outreach coordinator" Meaning if anyone in pueblo wants to do an interview or news story about the rally, I'm the on they have to talk to :lol: :lol: :lol: And the title really helps when talking to dispensaries, the owners are always excited to talk to me :D
Ya'll know posting too many videos is ban worthy. Ya'll keep bumping my threads though, I'm out for like an hour. When I come back I'll probably do that Marisol post. If a mod could please clean up this thread, that would be great. Please and Thank you.
:lol: no one ran for that :lol: And no one is "Facebook rep" I just happen to be the host of the official facebook event page. The "office" I received (after making the event, so I didn't "earn" facebook status from someone, I just took that for myself) is called "Pueblo outreach coordinator" Meaning if anyone in pueblo wants to do an interview or news story about the rally, I'm the on they have to talk to :lol: :lol: :lol: And the title really helps when talking to dispensaries, the owners are always excited to talk to me :D

Sooooooo, you did give yourself the title. What a knob.
Ya'll know posting too many videos is ban worthy. Ya'll keep bumping my threads though, I'm out for like an hour. When I come back I'll probably do that Marisol post. If a mod could please clean up this thread, that would be great. Please and Thank you.

You spam threads and insult mods and now you want them to help you? :clap: