How I'd Grow if I Grew.


Well-Known Member
peak of summer it only gets dark for like 30 mins to an hour and middle of winter only 4 hours of daylight lol its a trip believe me and then the bars are open till 5am too and shit


Well-Known Member
the L store is open till like 2 am or later someplaces too lol they like to drink. but IHOP isnt 24hours lolol. last sumer they were like IHOP is open 24hours yay i was like no shit thats kinda the whole point but up here its only like that in the summer and only on the weekends lol


Well-Known Member
Cos they drink all day/night with no concept of time and then go out and battle some badass ocean..
Man if I was born n raised Alaska i'd prob be dead by now


Active Member
yah they look kindda small man, but give em some time, maybe its just the genetics. How often are you watering them? and yah man it'd be nice to grow in your own yard. If it was my own house i'd devote a whole section to them.


Well-Known Member
only watered em the two times the soil dried out do to me being gone for a bit trying to get a new job. heard if autos dont get nuff light they can veg longer so put them under the 400 lot sooner than i norm would but still they arnt growing at all


Well-Known Member
Ayyyyy, I cant member what was for dinner tonite:) Dont fault the kid, lol

Thats a decent soil. I was gonna use it in my Sub mix. My local Dro store dont have it tho. My barber called me a minute ago. Asked about, becoming a partner in a New Dro shop! Seriously concidering. Minds racin a mile-a-minute:joint:$$$


Well-Known Member
The girls that are 12 days old i feed today they started to turn yellow
gave them half strength of Botanicare Pro Grow and half str cal/mag


Global Moderator
Staff member
good to know ur still around GWN having horrible luck with these autos so far, finally got that tarp like you sugested =D
I've never messed with autos so I am not much help there, but I've been following your thread closely & sounds like you're doing everything by the book.
I wish you luck my (mainland) friend.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah think i should stay a textbook grower untill i get a few more grows under my belt.
ive been told these autos take off slow guess we will see lol im bout to go through some other auto threads see if i can find anything out


Well-Known Member
D, copy the page u want ur link to be. Then go to edit sig. In the box, write out what u want it to say, then highlight it. Wont work if its not highlighted. Click the lil Earth on the box, erase the pre-givin http/, paste the link, u pre copied in there. Save! Good to go


Well-Known Member
Lol they finally grew a little bit still super small for 15 days old and the runt still hasnt grown and SUPRISE the fucking 60dw died again.... thats reall dissapointing spent $150 on these seeds and so far they ALL have died in just a couple of days only ones i got going are the free ones cuz my order was messed up.....