How is greenhouse bud inferior?


Well-Known Member
Don't know where you're getting your info but, no matter how many lights you have hanging over your plants, they'll never replicate what the sun can provide. Some of the highest thc tested plants have been outdoors.. There is a show called "Weed country", one of he uys had his outdoor strain lab tested at 23-25% thc. The term "don't Jude a book by its cover" also applies to grass.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I am friends with the tester at the local dispensery and it is 50 dollars per test and a 1 gram sample is needed.I have everything tested that i grow or make we just had some butter tested and it was at 40% thc at 4ml whitch i guess is about in the middle range for infussed butter we are going to try to tweak our method alittle try to get that number in the 50% range.
Thanks! I'm tempted to have mine tested just so I have a benchmark for next season.