How is my grow? Check out the pics!


Active Member
Hey, thats not tin foil... its a heat blanket from out of a car emergency kit. It keeps the keep from going through to the floor, and reflect 90% of it back on the plants from the bottom. Kinda like a heating pad I guess you could say. Its not very reflective actually, but I have so much light for these 5 plants that I'm not really too worried about it.

They were originally placed in little 20-24 oz. pots. About a week after they sprouted, I transplanted them into 5 gallon pots which you see now. The reason I did this is beacuse I've heard that transplanting early is less stressful on the plant because it is still adapting itself to the medium you using anyway.

Any more questions feel free to ask.


Active Member
ok i just thought it was tin foil and i'm glad to hear its not ,too many people use tin foil thinking that it makes a good reflector.


Active Member
Just wanted to give another update.

I just moved all my stuff to a veg and flowering closet instead of one big closet, theirs some pics of what they look like... for right now since I dont have anything flowering, I have both my lights in the veg room... but once I need to ill have the 1000w in the flower room.

Theirs also pics of the girls.

