HOW IS MY LADY DOING YALL THINK???????2 weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
she looks great! hydro right i dont know much about it but it looks like she is in a basket of some sort. Looks like nice buds forming for 15 days!


Well-Known Member
ya shes in a ebb and flow table with the rockwool flock surronding the 4x4 rockwool cube under a 1000 watt hps light


Well-Known Member
nahh i got 6 other babies there master kush its just this one stands out bc shes beutiful ill take pics of the others but the hps light makes everything with a red haze while lights on i hate the quality of them


Well-Known Member
nahh im not startin a journal i should have but shit im lazzyyyyy.
well im using botincare im using all triflex except the "grow" part im using pure plend pro grow the ownder ofthe hydro store said trust me man if ur growin what i think use that and liquid karma and sweet all by botincare, and when i used those wow the babies went boom and turned the luscious green look so shit i guess he was right haha


Well-Known Member
ya im gonna get all pure plend pro next time so i can runn all organic nutes for the hydro bc organic is my fav bud but theres jus somethen i love about hydrooooo i guess bc i dont have to water them or anything jus refill the resviour kinda simple. the lights are about to go out in the room and im gonna take another pic hopefully tonight b4 i pass out if not tom morning.

i have a question will takin pictures in teh dark mess up the photosynthis period " has to be completley dark " i mean everyone does it but is it bad for the babies???


Well-Known Member
Thats a nice looking dog... No i dont think snaping a couple of pics when the light shut off going to hurt you any. Is that what they call a blue dobernam?


Well-Known Member
ahh i c thats what i thought about the flash. No shes a Black and tan traditional lookin doberman the blue its like light blue and they have skin problems from the sun i dunno.

well if anyone else can give me advice maybe somethen that will improve my yield or make them better please telllllllll me



Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants, good job on your grow

Beautiful dog!!! I'm getting a Doberman when I move


Well-Known Member
haha thank uuuuu ya im tellin dobermans are the shit.

well i was gonna top them but it was my first grow and noing my dumbass i would mess somethen up i have 8 more seedlings that are like 3 weeks old and im toppin them tommrow to see how big of a difference it will make.


Well-Known Member
looking mighty purdy....thanks for the pics and update. My plants easily doubled, and some have seem tripling in size once vinto 12-12....I had to do some tying and supercropping to manage the height as my max is 40"....I veged for 19/26 days (Top44/BigBud) ... good luck man


Well-Known Member
ya on the pics 3 of them i tied down so there like low riders but super wide and the others i didnt tie down and one of them is like 33 inches. its master kush i thought it was more indica like the others and that one in teh back is like a sativa monster. i guess not all the seeds have the same traits???
idunno shit


Well-Known Member
genotypes.....similar....phenotypes....depending on the stability of the strain...can be quite variable? you got aqn absoutely gorgeous group of plants....and I love your dog!