How is my noob setup?


I apologize in advance for using tinfoil, i had to come up with something.
Okay So i just got my medicinal card and went to the club for the very first time today. When i was there i couldnt help but buy a $12 clone, now im not certain what to do with it.
So Far i have a cardboard box lined with tinfoil (the lid also)
I have my air purifier rigged to blow air into the box
I am using a 26 watt light bulb i bought at target. "cool natural light" daylight 6500k, with a light output of 1600. (im not sure what any of that means) i have 2 of them but so far am only using 1.

I have done NOTHING to the clone since i bought it, meaning i havn't put it in soil yet, it currently is in the greenish sponge material it came in (what's that called?)
Any good soil that is sold "AS IS" from a store like target or the hardware store?
Thanks in advance.
How is my setup? can i grow something with it?



Well-Known Member
The clone is in rockwool dude,has the clone got roots showing through the bottom yet.if it has been bought from the place that you say it will be a female so thats good.get the other light over the top of the clone grow this one has a mother plant so you wont have to keep buying clones if you have a permit get it out side if the weather is nice and warm,you can not beat what mother nature gives a plant.go to the place you got the clone and ask advice there mate they will know there stuff.but i would strongly advice on either building a grow room yourself or get some one with a little d.i.y knowlage to give you a hand.all that you need is a double wardrobe[but get one built]you will need this split into 2 one side veg and one side only have 1 plant at present so i would put it outside during the day and bring it in when it goes dark put it under the two lights that you have at night.make sure that you have a little air flow this will make that plant more want a bigger pot has well you may has well go for a decent sized one but when watering wet the plant through and allow it to dry you will know when its time to re water it will feel lite put your finger down the side of the pot the top 3 ince is dry re~water don't get into the habbit of watering every couple of days 2 times a week at most this will give you a far better root mass.watering too much will cause the plant to be prematurely rootbound.get the lights you have has near has possible this will give you tight internodes[brances]get back in touch when the plant about 1 ft tall.miracle grow is a good feed but make sure that you air on the side of less than more read the back it should tell you how much for young plants also get some multithrive.Go onto you tube and look on dvd 2 for buget grow the name to put in on you tube is grow more bud this guy realy knows his stuff also do has muc research has possible while your girl is growing try not to mess around with the plant too much let her do her own thing.The more you mess around with her the more you will stress her out.I also think that addind 2 compact flouresents would bring this plant along alot better i'm not saying get rid of the lights you have use those to but get the low energy ones the ones that have the same out put has a 150 watt old style light this will not increase your bill by much at all.good growing keep green.


Active Member
get rid of the cardboard and go with a rubbermaid cab if anything a little safer but keep it up. we learn as we go


Active Member
if you want to grow in that small of a space you should buy some Lowryder autoflowering they make it so you dont need seperate rooms for flowering and veg. also get more lights and some pc fans for ventilation you can find all this info on this site, or PM me


Well-Known Member
Also get rid of the foil it will burn the plants go to 3-4 bulbs in a rubbermaid container as cardboard is a fire hazard.


okay i will convert my setup a little bit and give an update with pics, thanks guys. What color do the walls need to be on the inside of the rubber maid? paint or plastic it white?
Thanks all

j h

Well-Known Member
okay i will convert my setup a little bit and give an update with pics, thanks guys. What color do the walls need to be on the inside of the rubber maid? paint or plastic it white?
Thanks all
i painted mine white i had paint layin around...but mylar works best you could also go to walmart and get winshield reflectors for your car and cut it down to size and put that in there.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Do the best thing and get car reflectors. They are more durable and they are thicker and it is easier to work with.


So i was adding a y connector to add another cfl light........... Then the Stupid light fell on my plant :( F**K. It broke a limb and bent a leaf, im hoping the plant will heal itself but i had to trim the leaf in the picture. My plant has now suffered some trauma, Is there hope?
i planted it today , noticed a nice white root comming out the side, burried the block of rockwool about an inch under the soil.
My soil is from the Armstrong garden center its "E.B. Stone Organic: Ednas best potting soil " and contains
mycorrhizal fungi, earthworm castings, kelp meal, bat guano, feather meal, and a natural wetting agent.
Then i mixed in a little bit (about half a cup) of "E.B.Stone Organics: Sure start" says on the box a starter fertilizer for use at planting time. it does say that it is blended with humic acid and beneficial soil microbes including mycorrhizae for long lasting soil health and plant success.
These were recommended from the sales person as his other customers say its the best stuff they have came across so far.

Anyways just planted it and needs water, can i use tap water if its been outside in a bucket for a day? bottled water?

So i have 2 CFL's that came in a 2 pack, im not sure if i need 2 differnt kinds of cfl's like blue red? someone let me know that everything will be alright with my setup?

I cant figure out how to add a pic, but i uploaded it to my profile under my first plant


Im currently using cfl's for lighting, but i have another grow area i was going to move to, it is about 8 feet by 4feet and about 8 feet tall. I dont really want the rent to go up on account of the electricity but i dont want to waste my time making half ass bud, my understanding is that cfl lighting is barely noticeable in the bill. But am i missing out by not using the sodium lights and all that? someone got a good link?


Okay so checkin in, its been 7 days since i got the clone, i decided to LST obviously because I'm short on space, how does it look so far? I watered today (4 days since last)



Good job there xbox i am about to start my first setup. Wish you luck. Just stick with it, Seems that this is the place to be to get the info and help you need. Nicest community!!!!