How is my plant looking for 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
hows my plant looking for its age, its been growing outdoors on my windowsill for a bit longer than 6 weeks, I think its been flowering for 1-2 weeks not sure
its pure sativa bagseed

I didnt measure the height but i think its around 2ft how much taller can i expect it to get?



Well-Known Member
Woops sorry I just noticed i accidentally posted this in the wrong section, I would appreciate it if a mod can move it to the appropriate section


Well-Known Member
yea it gains height pretty fast i know if i plant this in march or april it would probably be 5-7ft by now but i dont have a place to put something that big anyways


Active Member
hey bro i heard they behead people over there for trafficking and your growing weed they will prolly hang you for that boyr

looking nice tho keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
oh haha....well it loks pretty secluded and like it would be easy to grow over there
very secluded and easy to grow... the only problem I have is im living with relatives... If i was living alone I would have a few 6ft trees by now