How is She Looking? (Pics)


Active Member
i am just curious how my plant is looking for 4 weeks old. she is a skywalker plant that is growing in a 5ft tall and 2x2 squared tent. let me know what you guys think, people have been telling me that she is too small for how old she is. Princess Leia.jpgdownsized_0517011319.jpg


Well-Known Member
you should top it.
it will get nice and bushy instead of getting so lanky

looks pretty though. a little on the small side but still looks good.


Active Member
you should top it.
it will get nice and bushy instead of getting so lanky

looks pretty though. a little on the small side but still looks good.
i am a little nevous to top my plant... i dont know where to cut it, i have read alot of online guides but i still dont feel comfortable


Well-Known Member
sorry was gonna tell you to move your light closer cause it looked like it was stretching but then I took a closer look and It didn't look to bad. And I couldn't figure out how to delete the post before someone chimed it and called me an idiot lol


Active Member
i have the light about 1-2in above the plant.... i move up the light when i take the pictures cause it gets too bright..... how much longer would you say i have left in veg until is hould switch to flower.... i am growing in a 5ft tall and 2x2 tent. how much do you think it will grow when i switch to flower? dont want it to out grow tent


Active Member
would 20/4 lighting really help out my stretching... because from what i have understood that 16/8 is the best lighting schedule


Active Member
nope your good, they shouldn't stretch too much with it that close
so would you say it would be good for me to give it those 2 extra hours of light and switch it to 18/6? and how much longer would you say i should veg for if i am growing it in a 5ft tall tent


Well-Known Member
Well if your just growing 1 plant it depends on how patient you are? I would get some twist ties and keep bending new shoots until you have a bush and then flower, your yield will go waaay up.. I'm sure there's a name for it but don't know what it is..(i must be too old lol)


I'm gonna go from doing around 110 per cycle to 29-30 and hopefully get the same yeild


Active Member
Well if your just growing 1 plant it depends on how patient you are? I would get some twist ties and keep bending new shoots until you have a bush and then flower, your yield will go waaay up.. I'm sure there's a name for it but don't know what it is..(i must be too old lol)

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I'm gonna go from doing around 110 per cycle to 29-30 and hopefully get the same yeild
i am planning on tying my plant down tomorrow or the day after that, how would you recommend shaping her when i start tying her down. cause i have seen people who have made there plant grow in a circle around the pot. how did you do the one in the picture cause it looks great... and not trying to sound like a smartass and try to correct you or anything but i have heard people call it LST low stress testing


Well-Known Member
no its low stress training, your training the plant on where you want it to grow. I usually take a twist tie and attach it to the upper part of the main stem and gently bend it over and tie the other end to the rim of the pot, and then when new shoots come up I do the same and usually tie them down to different places on the rim so it will grow even and bushy


Active Member
no its low stress training, your training the plant on where you want it to grow. I usually take a twist tie and attach it to the upper part of the main stem and gently bend it over and tie the other end to the rim of the pot, and then when new shoots come up I do the same and usually tie them down to different places on the rim so it will grow even and bushy
alright thanks this is really helpful..... i hope i dont mess up with tying her down, it would really suck to mess up my grow


Well-Known Member
alright thanks this is really helpful..... i hope i dont mess up with tying her down, it would really suck to mess up my grow
when you tie it down tie some string to a rock and the other end to the top of a branch.

day by day slowly bend it farther and farther. but not too far where it will snap.

i top all my branches to make the plant grow way bushier and then pull it down too