How is yield calculated?


Well-Known Member
what's this business with grams per meter squared? on my satori pack it has a picture of a scale (which i assume represents yeild) and it says 400-450 gr/m2. (i know the 2 is supposed to be all little and on top but that's how it says it on the pack.) anyway, i assume this implies "optimum light conditions", but does not mention veg time, light type or watts. so if i veg for 40 days under cfl/t5, then swap to flower under a 400w hps, should i expect the 400 grams if theres say 4 plants that make it? I've seem the grams per meter squared thing but never understood how it could be accurate with all the variables involved.
Grams per meter squared is generally the maximum (although it should be average) number of grams you will yield under optimal growing conditions for each square meter of canopy. That is to say that if you grow one large plant that takes up one sqaure meter (~3x3') you have the possibility of getting that number of grams as long as you did everything correctly.

This also implies that if you grow 9 plants that each take up one square foot (the equivalent area) you should be able to yield the stated number of grams.

Again remember that the number stated is generally the maximum observed yield. If you are not a professional grower I would not base estimated yield on what is stated as you most likely will not be doing just everything perfectly.