How Late can Clones go out???

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I want to purchase a ez cloner to put clones outside. My question is how late can I put clones outside? I don't care if they go straight in to flower I just want a harvest coming in every 2 weeks. I wanted to get about 20 clones every 2weeks
depends on where you live... in hawaii you can grow all year long, can stretch em out a bit indoors then throw em outside all year long....
in the mainland you gotta worry about frost/very short day light hours. let us know your location and maybe someone can help you better
good luck


Well-Known Member
If you got a greenhouse pretty much all year round but the size of the buds will fluctuate. Also you will have to mix up your growing styles to achieve your goals. keepem green

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I don't have a greenhouse. So what's the latest I can plant clones and get a decent harvest (1-1.5 ounce)?
If you got a greenhouse pretty much all year round but the size of the buds will fluctuate. Also you will have to mix up your growing styles to achieve your goals. keepem green


Well-Known Member
As long as it has a good root system, the latest would probably be August. You might not get the greatest yield, but I put a fairly small Pure AK out in late July of last year and got almost 3 oz from it, it started shooting out pistils around Aug 20th. I am in your general area.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Sorry for late reply but My weather starts to cool down around middle Oct. I am cool with the little yield because I will be putting lots of clones out. I just wanted to know is July to late to be putting plants out because I was going to keep waves of clones going outside till 2nd of July.


Active Member
South Ontario last year I put about a dozen clones out very late at Frist WEek of August Plants only got knee high a foot or two and then became solid bud, Imagine a football stuck into the ground.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
That's very late... What was your yield??? Im only looking to get 1 ounce each from clones.
South Ontario last year I put about a dozen clones out very late at Frist WEek of August Plants only got knee high a foot or two and then became solid bud, Imagine a football stuck into the ground.


Well-Known Member
I want to purchase a ez cloner to put clones outside. My question is how late can I put clones outside? I don't care if they go straight in to flower I just want a harvest coming in every 3 weeks. I wanted to get about 20 clones every 2weeks
Look at this and tell me what might be wrong with this statement.