How likely is it that I'm screwed?? Quick advice please!


Health insurance woman just came over to get info, take blood pressure, draw blood, etc. and I had just pissed before she came, but she needed a urine sample and I couldn't go. I didn't even realize she would need a urine sample, but she left the two tubes that I have to put urine in. She said to just drop them off in her mailbox after I went. There are two tubes, one green and blue. Any idea if these are specifically for drug tests? I'm over 21 so they aren't allowed to share the results with anyone, right? BUT.....the reason she came in the first place is because of something with my parents insurance so that worries me. There is also a small pill looking thing in the green tube.


Active Member
The big issue is not so much with a little bit of weed if you have declared yourself a smoker(they can tell from tar levels you smoke weed). But if you are using coke, etc, the shit storm will rain down from upon high....


Well-Known Member
if they were testing for coke they wouldn't of dropprd them off,they would of suprised you and made you piss.Its probably for weed just get someone clean to piss in them


Yeah its a small policy so if it were that important they probably wouldn't have just left the tubes with me. The home test I did turned out negative. The strips turned pink (for negative results), but I did drink cranberry juice. I think I should be okay. Sorry for the momentary freak out there.


Update: In general I passed with flying colors and excellent health lol. I don't think they even tested for THC.......sorry for the freak out.