How long after flip do you start seeing white hair?


Hi Gents,

First time grower here, I fipped to 12/12 light schedule 2 days ago and I'm seeing tiny white hair on 3 plants. 5 in total. Lights are 2 x COB, 2 x LED Cree-Flood, 4 x CFL

Skunk # 1 has hair growth
LSD has hair growth
Pineapple Chunk seems lagging

Question is how soon can I start seeing pods forming in the centre with hair growth? One week, 10 days or more than 3 weeks?

Thanks for reading



Well-Known Member
Another thing to keep in mind is that a day or 2 after the flip the plant starts producing new growth so quickly that young leafs being produced at the shoots can be easily mistaken as white hairs under the brightness of your grow light. What looks like a white hair now may turn green and open into a leaf tomorrow.

This is your case, unless you are looking at the preflowers. It'll be a week or 2 before you're true flowers start growing.


Well-Known Member
Btw, not sure if you've been warned yet, but it looks like you could definitely cut back on the nutes. They look pretty burnt.


To finish yes some sativa / hybrid can take up to twelve to finish.
Indica 8-9 weeks
Sativa 10-12 weeks
That's no good

Another thing to keep in mind is that a day or 2 after the flip the plant starts producing new growth so quickly that young leafs being produced at the shoots can be easily mistaken as white hairs under the brightness of your grow light. What looks like a white hair now may turn green and open into a leaf tomorrow.

This is your case, unless you are looking at the preflowers. It'll be a week or 2 before you're true flowers start growing.
Okay thanks for the tip didn't know that

Btw, not sure if you've been warned yet, but it looks like you could definitely cut back on the nutes. They look pretty burnt.
Plants only got one dosage of Nitrogen 4 weeks ago and I burned them pretty bad they came back from the dead, no nute in them for almost a month now, only water.

Will start giving it tomato sauce soon



Well-Known Member
Oh damn thats not a good news, have three sativas in there :S goal was to finish by mid march
Those don't look like sativa, definitely not a landrace sativa. 100% sativas have long narrow leafs. Yours look like a hybrid, more than likely looking at a 9-10week flowering cycle.

And if you need them done early you can always gradually increase the night time hours to speed up flowering, but this will definitely cut into your yield.


Those don't look like sativa, definitely not a landrace sativa. 100% sativas have long narrow leafs. Yours look like a hybrid, more than likely looking at a 9-10week flowering cycle.

And if you need them done early you can always gradually increase the night time hours to speed up flowering, but this will definitely cut into your yield.
thanks for clearing that now im happy again :)


Well-Known Member
Another urban myth. Tried running my 14 weeks sativas on 9 hour days and didn't help one bit.
That's interesting. I've honestly never done it, never felt the need to, but this is the first time I've seen someone say otherwise.