How long after planting germinated seeds should they sprout to the surface?!?!


New Member
My germinated auto seeds were planted two days ago, about an inch into already wet soil. I placed them in with tweezers allowing the radical to face upwards. I then placed my T5 lighting tubes exactly 6.5inches above the two 3 gallon air pots, I've kept the lights on for 24 hours every day so far but still no surfacing? Is this normal? Should I try and get them to surface by digging? I also decided to give them a mild dosage of organic nutrients specifically for germinating seeds called "Age Old Kelp" thats suppose to improve germination and early growth. I gave them 1/4th the recommended dosage and only about a cup each.


Well-Known Member
You planted them a little deep at 1". I would carefully remove some of the soil and see what's up with the seeds. You don't need any nutes at all for seedlings, and the wet soil part is kind of scary also. It should be moist, not wet, or you can drown the seedling. Good luck.


A lot of people say they soak the seeds, wet, dampen...
They don't need light before the first leaves pop. Maybe light below them to keep there bums nice and warm.
And when I asked the same question, people on average said there is no time frame, they'll pop once they are rdy.

Frustrating I know. Only thing would be to carefully check for yourself as coolness isn't an issue for you. Be careful and plant about 1/4 inch deep.


Well-Known Member
As both of the posters above point out, the rule of thumb is plant no deeper than the width of the seed. So 1/4 inch is about right. No light needed til they break ground, just keep the area semi warm. Unfortunately, even though you reduced the dosage, the added nutes may wind up killing the seeds no matter what you do now :o No feeding until you have like 2 good sets of leaves (not including the oval leaves) and even then, go real light. Same with watering, less is more :hump: Many more plants die from too much love, than do from not enough love :eyesmoke:

Good luck!

R2T :peace:


New Member
Ok were right I planted them too deep :/ ..Thanks for the advice guys, I should have double checked before...I happened to just check them now and one of them actually got through on its own in the past few hours!? It's green and I think will make it. But the other one I had to carefully scrape the surface and it was literally so close to surfacing so I helped it out but I don't think it was going to make it on its own. Its kind of yellow in color compared to the other one...How can I save this baby before its too late now that it has light?? Clesnse with fresh water? prop it up? I'm posting pictures below

photo 2-4.jpgphoto 1-4.jpg


Well-Known Member
I plant my germinated seeds in a freshly watered pot with my 400 watt mh/hps on 24/7. Sprouting averages 2-3days, And no nutesfor 3 weeks. Oh I forgot to mention this method always produces killer fucking bud.


New Member
No, just an asshole who's been growing for better than 40 years.

Good luck with your grow.

Hi Wet,
I planted my autoflower feminized Afghan germinated seeds too deep (about 1 1/2") outdoors in a balanced soil blend.
It's been 1 week and only one girl pushed up. 4 more in the Earth.
Should I LITFA or try to do some repositioning surgery (which scares me)?


Well-Known Member
Hi Wet,
I planted my autoflower feminized Afghan germinated seeds too deep (about 1 1/2") outdoors in a balanced soil blend.
It's been 1 week and only one girl pushed up. 4 more in the Earth.
Should I LITFA or try to do some repositioning surgery (which scares me)?
This thread is 7 years old. If they’re too deep they will die before reaching the surface. I usually dig slowly and with a scope when I dig them up. The scope allows you to see the white taproot really easily.


New Member
This thread is 7 years old. If they’re too deep they will die before reaching the surface. I usually dig slowly and with a scope when I dig them up. The scope allows you to see the white taproot really easily.
Ok thanks. I was thinking of taking the clump of soil that I planted each one in and rinsing over a screen until the soil washes away. What do you think? Could safely?
Thanks for your advice.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks. I was thinking of taking the clump of soil that I planted each one in and rinsing over a screen until the soil washes away. What do you think? Could safely?
Thanks for your advice.
The less movement the better. Plus if they have sprouted you don’t want to pull them out of the ground.