How long are people waiting for to get their permits from H/C?

I have not. All I hear is people sighing and getting ready to move forward. Doesn't mean you're wrong. but down this way everyone is bracing for the worst.

In regards to the paperwork coming from HC, mine came in a priority mail prepaid envelope with signature required (so right to the door).
Come again Jessica D,
Who was to get paid 3k? Or where you trying to say, the only guy that paid 3k?

I didn't pay 3k or anything close to that amount.

If in regards to buckets, he has posted something along those lines.

Ya i just meant that greedy dr that got 3k has some explainn to do. what a prick...
I don't have a link to the new regulations but they may be somewhere in this thread or you can google search. By now I'm sure a huge number of people know where they are on the health canada website.
I am extremely irritated. Got my paperwork in from HC and it says that my MP filled out a date wrong!! One date!
And it was a careless mistake because she put sept 2013 and that hasnt even passed yet! Waited 7 weeks to have to resend it on a stupid mistake that wasn't mine.
I went through and dealt with Cindy Shaw. Payed $400 for everything. Will be calling them today!
it took me roughly 8 weeks pretty fast considering what I had read but that said I believe it depends weather your doctor is supportive and if you category 1 or 2
Sorry to hear about that underground. I've been there as well with my doctor not filling out his form properly. And it doesn't matter if you've already been waiting for 8 weeks because when you resubmit then you have to start all over again and wait up to another 8 weeks. I'm still waiting...I'm glad you got your prescription tookrazy.
expiration date is always 1 year from time your papers are approved or March 2014.... so yes at present I presume since we are in April 2013 new patients or renewals will expire March 2014 and have a validity of less than the 12 months. I wonder if the Gov is actually allowed to limit or only license you for less than a year if you have a script for 12 months?
Can people who are receiving their licenses confirm the expiration date. Still slated for mar 2014?
Well the sun is shining down on me today good people! I have finally received the possession permit! And it expires in April should anyone be curious. I also received a copy of the permit that gets sent to the designated grower and they are quite happy as well as we've been waiting for pretty much 3-4 months I think. What a relief.
@Buckets, FINALLY ! .... enjoy your freedom .... April 2014 -> that is awesome that your expiry is after March 2014, hopefully good news for all.
Thanks User Hidden! I feel euphoric at the minute! Long a long battle finally is over! Bring on the weed! Have a good day...:-)
My license finally came in about a week and a half ago....After being sent out twice because of a mistake made on the papers by my MP.
Was sent out first time feb 30th. Second time may 9th.