How Long Before My Clones Will Show Roots??


Active Member
Hello everyone,

I'm trying my hand at cloning for the first time so I took some cuttings from my plants last monday so it's been 7 days today and I was wondering roughly how long it takes before I will start to see roots coming out of the bottom of the rockwool cubes, if they're successful anyways. I'm using 2" cubes with a humidity dome & tray and I used some Olivia's cloning gel. It's 97% RH in the tray and the temp is about 80. thanks for any comments or advice...


Active Member
They are probably forming the little white knobs right now...should see roots within the next week.
right on, thanks man. so the temp is ok?

should I leave the cover completely closed up the entire time or is there a point when I should give them less humidity?


Well-Known Member
Just take the cover off a couple times a day to give em some fresh air. They won't need a dome once the roots are formed. Sometimes the plants get too used to getting water from the leaves, so when you do take the dome off and start watering just the cubes you may want to do some misting to try and ease the switch.


Active Member
Ok so when I see some roots coming out of the bottom I'll remove the cover and then mist them a few times a day until I put them in my flower room...thanks for the info bro!
ok Dr. Brown me been that before ....after the first seven days i like to take my humidity dome off and gradually keep it off longer and longer...for instance 8th day=5 mins of fresh air 9th day=10 mins and so on...but your on your way keep up the good work and good luck .PEACE!

Mr. Good

Active Member
ok Dr. Brown me been that before ....after the first seven days i like to take my humidity dome off and gradually keep it off longer and longer...for instance 8th day=5 mins of fresh air 9th day=10 mins and so on...but your on your way keep up the good work and good luck .PEACE!
I stopped using a dome when I cooked my first batch