How long can i veg

Theres one style of organic where you just put all the nutrients the plant needs into soil in a plant usable form.


You can make your own soil from scratch and rely on feeding the microbes in the soil, so they eat and then break down stuff into a plant usable form. Then they die and release It.

All while a big network of roots and mushroom mycelium and cover crops all tangle up and become a super network and become more eficient at retaining and transporting water and food,.

They become a host to an extremly active microbes working for you to take up space in your medium and on your plant so the bad ones cant get in .

Also through this symbiotic relationship they strengrhen your plants immune system and plus , there is so much shit going on in the soil food web that people still have no idea about its crazy.

Read the book teaming with microbes by jeff lowenfells. You will shake your fucking head at salt based bottled nutrients buddy
Theres one style of organic where you just put all the nutrients the plant needs into soil in a plant usable form.


You can make your own soil from scratch and rely on feeding the microbes in the soil, so they eat and then break down stuff into a plant usable form. Then they die and release It.

All while a big network of roots and mushroom mycelium and cover crops all tangle up and become a super network and become more eficient at retaining and transporting water and food,.

They become a host to an extremly active microbes working for you to take up space in your medium and on your plant so the bad ones cant get in .

Also through this symbiotic relationship they strengrhen your plants immune system and plus , there is so much shit going on in the soil food web that people still have no idea about its crazy.

Read the book teaming with microbes by jeff lowenfells. You will shake your fucking head at salt based bottled nutrients buddy
Wow i was watching vids after watching the vids you sent me. I wanna get more into it tbh but i have a major problem now my tap water is a ph level of 7.0 i dont knw of anyways to bring it down and its causing the plant to block out magnesium and you knw what happens from there any ideas
Not sure if this helps but normally once I've let water sit and added nutes my water drops from almost 8 down to 6.5.
I never used themn BUT im am sure they are this test ...raise of lower your normal water and the then test to see what its at .

I use pro mix with amendments of WC Compost and Black ( Humus ) based soil .
Will show this mix soon in my thread .
here are my seedlings at 12 days .
I never used themn BUT im am sure they are this test ...raise of lower your normal water and the then test to see what its at .

I use pro mix with amendments of WC Compost and Black ( Humus ) based soil .
Will show this mix soon in my thread .
here are my seedlings at 12 days .
They look nice