how long can you hold/keep seeds for ?

im just wondering how long you can keep hold of seeds, just if iv orderd some, thinking they would get here same time as other stuff, but now found out, that my other stuff i need will be a month or so late, WTF , but thats another story

lso where would be the best place to store them ?

thank's ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah it is a hard question, my understanding is that 1-2 years you wont notice any difference in viability, more than that and i think it depends more on how they are stored.
thanks Del, reason i ask is if i buy a good strain or 10 seeds of say 3/4 diffrent strains, means 30/40 seeds, but , I'll only be using 4 at a grow at a time, so wanted to know how long they can be kept for ,



Well-Known Member
Hello happy Northerner. I have planted 2 seed that i had from 20 years ago and they are growing fine. Pictures are in my Journal if you want to have a look ? I kept them in wax proof paper in a plastic zip bag that was in an airtight (ish) Budweiser lighter IMGP0670.jpg They were kept in a bottom drawer in my garage. when i found them at the beginning of the year a few of them had turned to powder. But so far i`m 2 out of 2 for sprouting ;-) The rest of them look as good as when i put them away 20 years ago. I`m looking forward to these flowering soon because the Skunk back then seemed so much stronger than it is today. Only a few months to find out ;-)
hey rotweiller, thanks for the tip, if you kept yours for 20 yrs , then i would say your way is flawed ;) will have a look, I'm sure that the skunk back then would of been stronger, as i think the more you breed some thing the more the genetics break down/change


Well-Known Member
I hate to throw anything away especially when it was good shit. And now i live in Wales its a lot easier to grow coz there is`nt as many plod around as there is in London ;-) IMGP0712.jpg This one is the Skunk (you can tell by the Smell) Dam it`s strong lol... IMGP0707.jpg And i`m not sure what this one is but it`s quite fruity and the clone in 12/12 is Femail (found this out today) ;-)
its not a bad idea ;) might do such a thing, as got a few safes i dont use, every bag of 10 seeds i use 4 of them, just wrap them up, keep them safe

sounds like your in a chilled out place there matey, plants are looking very nice,


Well-Known Member
It`s trial and error for this year just to grasp the basic`s then next year it will be 4 or 5 Full Size plants without Lst using the Old seeds again. I`m on top of a mountain so yeh it`s chilled up here, got a nice lake for fishing down the lane and a farm next door for milk and thats it for 6 miles all around.
It`s trial and error for this year just to grasp the basic`s then next year it will be 4 or 5 Full Size plants without Lst using the Old seeds again. I`m on top of a mountain so yeh it`s chilled up here, got a nice lake for fishing down the lane and a farm next door for milk and thats it for 6 miles all around.

well if there good strong geetics, which im sure they are, they will give you a good grow, LST helps grow the plant from what iv read,

if i was you i would take some clones off a good female and keep her as a mother plant, that way be sure of a female + good flower each/ever time,

sounds like your living the dream, chilled out fishing no 1 to bother you , nice very very nice