how long dark period?


Well-Known Member
Lighting isn't determined by when you transplant.

Are you still vegging or flowering? I'd imagine, veg still, in which case 18-24hours of light will work


Well-Known Member
ummm it doesn't work like that, cause you can keep transplanting..... or flower plants at 6" tall

If they are Vegging they should have 6 hours of darkness

If you are flowering you plants they need 12 hours of darkness


Active Member
i transplanted my fucking plant for the final time.. i dont care how much light i want to know how long i put in the dark for the dark period before i put it back into light again..?


Well-Known Member
When you transplant generally you'd want to do it at the ending of the lighting period for the day, so the plant has the night to recover


Well-Known Member
Chill out man I am sure it's not going to be that bad. Smoke a bowl and relax. It will be ok man. I'm sure they will recover.