How long do you hold your hits?

i try to hold it in as long as i can to ensure the most thc absortion by my lungs

however i remember reading somewhere that after 8 seconds youve obsorbed everything out of the smoke that you can

anyways you should know that youve held it in long enough when you exhale and only like a 1/4 of the smoke comes out and its not nearly as thick

sometimes you can make the smoke dissapear competely
i dunno maybe 2 or 3 seconds.
same a a cigarette smoker would.

feels nasty if i hold it too long
holding it in for long periods of time doesnt get you higher it just makes you lightheaded hold it in for a couple secs and let it out dont try to break any records
Yea I heard that 4-8 seconds is good, anything more is a waste of not breathing. Like playing homerun/baseball with a blunt, all I feel is lightheaded, and when I try to stand up I feel like im about to fall over. I like it sometimes; sometimes it sucks. But im no scientist, so i'd love to hear of a study done on this...
bout 4 seconds... holding it in is for kids to show off to their friends... i like to smoke comfortably now, no lightheadedness or red face. it's a relaxing thing, and i've found that i relax better when i breathe:mrgreen:
I like to hold mine in for about 5 seconds maybe a bit more, but I heard that holding has no effect other than coating your lungs with more resin what do you guys think?
I hate when people puff up their cheeks trying to hold it kinda like Doug Benson.
I smoke blunts like you would a cigarette, but the vaporizer I try to hold in longer.
lmao i never actasuly timed it, but when i blaze this one room in my basment, I take a hit hold it in go upstairs grab a drank nd come back down lettin tha smoke back into the rooom...feels nice once you reach that room again