How long do you think this will continue?

Our financial state of being; which I believe to be a temporary condition, will pass and all will be different for all of us. The laws of the universe say that all things are temporary and everything is governed by evolution in Time. I believe that we all will learn from this situation, recover and evolve to a greater state of being.
The real raping is being done by the banks. For instance, my roommate just paid off a credit card in full that she was never once late on. Two days later, they sent her a letter saying that finance charges were going up to 31%!!!!!!!!!!

That's a really good way to stimulate the economy; make it so no one can afford anything. Personally, I think every person with a credit card should just stop paying them regardless if they can afford it or not. 31% interest on anything is fucking ridiculous. Credit companies have had us all by the balls for years; now it's time to return the favor. :mrgreen:

As Maynard put it:

Cuz I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna watch it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.

Our financial state of being; which I believe to be a temporary condition, will pass and all will be different for all of us. The laws of the universe say that all things are temporary and everything is governed by evolution in Time. I believe that we all will learn from this situation, recover and evolve to a greater state of being.

you really have a positive outlook huh?
you really have a positive outlook huh?

Not particularly, I only see the temporary ultimate truth in things. I'm a Nietzschean nihilist, we actually are known for being invariably existential but not at the sacrifice of logic.

Life is a parody of the past and a mockery of the future. What is now will change to fit tomorrow, change is inevitable for it is a force that perpetuates the evolution of man.

It's up to US to bring about this change; to evolve to a better state of being, to end this financial suffering!