How long does a hermie take to show? 4 Weeks Into Flower - Help


Well-Known Member
One of my four lights has missed an hour or two of light several times in the last four weeks. One of the timers is acting funny, and the other lights will stay on.. but this is three times in the last four weeks they have lost light.

Two times it was only about an hour, but once it was like four hours. Again, they were still receiving light from the other lights, but it clicks off - I'm going to replace the timer because the buttons are easy to hit.

I'm growing Sour Diesel and have not really had light interuption problems in flowering like this. What are my chances of going hermie and how long will they take to show? Are male flowers the very first sign?

Thanks, and give me good vibes. I've had interuptions during flowering and never had a problem, but I am concerned on this one. Thanks folks.


Well-Known Member
Out of the three or four times I've caught it quickly and turned it right back on within a minute or so, but it's been probably three times in flowering that it was off for about an hour. Will this likely be a problem? I'm scured!


Well-Known Member
hey man no worries, you should be fine at least from my newbie experience. I had the same problems, my light actually went bad and i had to unscrew it and rescrew it in during the middle of the night to get it to fire back up. the light cycle got a little off and yet they pulled through just fine so you should be chillin. happy growing and good vibes 8)


Well-Known Member
Yeah im running 4000 watts so a screw up would be large...hopefully i could catch her in time and yank her outta there before i get seeds.


Well-Known Member
yeah just keep an eye on the plants that were affected and watch for balls but if i had to guess i'd say it will have just stressed them a little and caused some stunted growth, nothing too major hopefully!!


Well-Known Member
I just choped down a hermie and i dont know how i spoted it there was just 2 little male flowers on the steam , It still made a mess of 50% of that plant ,,

Keep a close eye my friend sometimes they are tricky little fckers to spot ... H4L


Well-Known Member
Hopefully won't be a problem. This is like three times they had irregular light issues this grow. Hopefully I catch one before it's a problem. How long will they take to show male flowers if they do hermie?