How long does it take for an N def to right itself after feeding?, REP

On the last link read the part that says FOILAGE PRODUCTION and you will have a better idea of where Im comming from
where are u at in grow veg or flower need to know.usually in 48hrs u see positive flower discolor may not change much.late in flower naturally the plant will discolor leaf will die off.
No your plants will not die, theres a good thread on here from "uncle ben" that you should read. He is one of the more knowledgeable growers on this site. He states that if your plants have a def. during bloom they will not grow to there full potential. Therefore by adding more nitrogen and getting the green back into your plants. You have a better all around chance of having a healthy plant that will produce more bud. You do not have to run veg nutes the whole time. By flushing and then adding veg nutes along with your bloom nutes on your next feed would up the N content and help with your difficient plant. Bottom line right now is that you have a difficiency and a difficient plant will not grow as well as a non difficient plant. You do not need to run veg nutes the whole time at all. But one feeding with them this early in flower will not hurt them at all and as long as your lights are cool enough to get close to the plant you dont have to worry about stretching. You dont even need to run a veg base nutrient. Buy seaweed extract, its cheap and high in N. Run it once or twice in your next feedings and then stop and just continue with straight bloom nutes.
I agree with that bro.and ub rocks great guy.:leaf::-P
Thanks indyman he def. knows his stuff. And you are correct as well, late in flower thats natural. I believe he is only like a few days into flower at this point though so I think he could get some health back into his plants. Especially based off UB's theory
Oh ya and indyman.... Love SD brotha. Born and raised there. Too bad the damn chargers lost though, needless to say I was pissed haha
So are you saying that 900ppm is too much? and being that he has not used compost that statement is irrelevent to the situation. He doesnt need to know what he SHOULD HAVE done, he needs to know what HE SHOULD DO. And I was not recommending him to use 900ppm but using a just a bloom nute when there is a Nitrogen dif. is not enough. You need an additive and you NEED TO FLUSH. By flushing you wipe your roots clean and prevent shock. Like I said some strains can easily handle 900ppm and my plants are only 21 days old. Ill post a few pics and you will be able to tell that my plants are in no way hurting. So by flushing and then adding N to your dosage even up it to 600ppm you will be doing your plant justice. Im sorry but 300ppm is just not enough in bloom regardless of how old your plants are and if your someone that grows with compost how much experience do you have with using, monitoring, and adjusting ppm? Im not getting on you but your comment seemed directed towards me for recommending to up your ppm. So I am justifying my credibility. I will be posting a pic of my plants in a few minutes and this is a SOG at 21 days old taking 900ppm. You tell me if there bad?
ok dude so yes. I'm saying 900ppm is too much. but now that you've put this up and are questioning my credibility i'll just say this. I went to his grow journal and he's using HPS with some pretty large tubs. Fine 900ppm at 19 days with a HPS light isnt bad at all. And no matter what you shouldnt flush your plants unless its an emergency, if he just followed a regular watering pattern he could just change nute's to what his plant needs. Flushing actually hinders the plants growth cause your causing a torrent of water to flow through the pot. Run off is all fine and dandy but you must account for the roots getting assaulted by a mass of water. That is also called "drowning". And i grow with compost because its SO MUCH BETTER. It's pure vitamins and no chemicals. It's pure paper, orange peels, wood, old soil and anything else eaten by worms and shat out to be full of the goodness plants need. Especially high in Nit. in fact using compost boots your plants 200%. Or didnt you know that? I use chemical nute's and know how to apply, watch for burn, adjust to phase and specification to strain. I'm not a 40 year veteran but i know how to grow. And yes, your plants do look nice. Congrats. Happy growing. :bigjoint: Rep'd for awsome info.
BioChemx Im not arguing the point that compost is not a good way to grow at all. I actually think the contrary. Its a great way to grow unfortunately I just dont know how to compost haha. But as far as using nutes Ive just been doing it for 5 years with a select few strains so I have them dialed in. And when I said flush I guess I should have elaborated a bit. I do not always "FLUSH" to the point of excess water. I just "FEED" plain water in between feed nutes so that nutes do not build up in the soil. Because if you feed 900ppm like I do they can build up fast. So to balance it out I feed RO water often with no nutes. I find that if you keep the humidity at 40% the plants leaves with burn off excess nutes much faster and when I test my run off its not bad. Everything is where its supposed to be. The higher the humidity the less your plant will perspire and sweat off the chems and water stored in the leaves. I was also only saying what I said about compost because he isnt using compost so I found it irrelevant, but in no way am I knocking the fact that you compost. I wish I knew how